Which terms refers to individuals that are directly involved in accomplishing the primary purpose of the organization?

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Which term refers to the planned and systematic attempt to change an organization and improve its performance?

Organization development (OD) is planned and systematic attempts to change the organization, typically to a more behavioral environment. OD applies to an entire system, such as a company or a plant.

Which term refers to employees who have joined together for the purpose of dealing with an employer?

The correct answer is C) union.

Which identifies the primary purpose of employer branding?

Employer branding is used as a way to promote businesses. Branding is a way of establishing a reputation for the public; those who are unaware of what the business stands for. Branding is the way employers market themselves to future employees.

What is the primary role of the Human Resource Management HRM professional?

An HR professional holding a management position is often in charge of recruiting, hiring, and training new employees. This means the HR team is responsible for finding candidates who meet the necessary qualifications for specified positions and fully vetting a company's hires.