Which one of the following most accurately describes the development of narratives in childrens speech?

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Terms in this set (31)

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes what developmental theorists mean when they talk about a language acquisition device?

A built-in mechanism that makes language learning especially easy for human beings

Which one of the following is typically not used with English language learners?

Foreign language instruction

Tina is an English language learner. She is learning in a regular third grade classroom. Her teacher and her classmates all speak English and she receives no instruction or assistance in her native language. Most likely Tina is learning in which of the following programs?


Which one of the following statements is consistent with a sociocultural view of language development?

"Children initially use language primarily in their interactions with other people, but increasingly they also use it to help them think more effectively."

Which one of the following statements is consistent with a functionalist view of language development?

"From a very early age, children are motivated to learn how to speak, because speech enables them to interact with other people and, ultimately, to get what they want."

Gabrielle asks her mother, "When we go library?" Gabrielle's question is an example of:

Expressive language

Which of the following will be least effective for children who are learning a second language in traditional foreign language instruction?

Grammatical lessons

Which one of the following remarks addressed to 18-month-old José best illustrates infant-directed speech?

"José want juice?"

Four-year-old Brandon's father is an aeronautical engineer who often talks about his work at home. At preschool, Brandon uses the word trajectory as he plays with a toy racecar track. Although he uses the word correctly, you are fairly certain that he does not fully understand what it means. Brandon's behavior is evidence that:

Language production sometimes precedes language comprehension.

Roger uses the word ball only to refer to his favorite red ball with white stars on it. In doing so, Roger is showing:


Which one of the following situations illustrates the phenomenon of overextension in semantic development? In each case, the word in question is in quotes.

Daniel calls a tall sunflower a "tree."

Janis uses the term teddy to refer to all of her stuffed toys, including teddy bears, stuffed bunnies, stuffed birds, and even a stuffed lizard. In doing so, she is showing:


Considering what we have learned from research regarding cognitive and linguistic development, we should expect elementary school children to have the greatest difficulty understanding the meaning of which one of the following words?


As 2-year-old David and his father go into the family garden one day, Dad exclaims, "Look at all the wonderful daisies!" David infers that the only plants blooming in the garden must be called daisies. David's inference is an example of:

Fast mapping

Which strategy is most likely to be effective in promoting semantic development?

Showing several examples of words

Which of the following is not an approach to teaching a second language?

Subtractive bilingualism

Three-year-old Robert is visiting the local zoo with his preschool class. When his teacher exclaims, "Look at the giraffe!" Robert first looks at the teacher's face and then follows her gaze to the strange creature she is looking at. Robert's behavior in this situation reflects:


Reuben says "Jooz!" as he stretches his arms in the direction of his juice bottle. Reuben's utterance can best be described as an example of:

A holophrase

If you were to describe the nature of syntactic development, you would be most likely to say that it involves:

Learning how to put words together into comprehensible sentences

When 4-year-old Morris hears his preschool teacher say, "Susan was punched by John," he thinks that Susan was the person who did the punching. Morris's mistaken belief is most likely due to the fact that young children:

Rely heavily on word order in interpreting what they hear

Which one of the following statements best illustrates telegraphic speech?

"Want cookie."

When looking at her new baby brother, 2-year-old Martina says, "Baby nap." Her mother responds, "Yes, the baby is taking a nap." Mom's reply is an example of:


Three of the following statements about infants' early listening abilities are true. Which one is false?

Newborn babies show no preference in listening to languages.

Seven-year-old Emma thinks that "Too many cooks spoil the broth" is only about cooking soup. Her inability to recognize the more general meaning of the expression:

Is typical for her age-group

Five-year-old Sarah tells her kindergarten teacher, "We had dinner at Mark's house last night." The teacher has no idea who Mark is but responds, "How nice! Did you have a good time?" This interaction reflects which one of the following developmental trends?

When talking to others, young children often fail to take their listeners' knowledge and perspectives into account.

Given what we know about children's language development, which one of the following problems is typical for the grade level?

A first grader pronounces the word rabbit as "wabbit."

In North America, which approach appears to be most effective for teaching English speakers a second language?

Immerse them in the second language, having them hear and speak it exclusively in all classroom activities.

Which one of the following most accurately describes the development of narratives in children's speech?

Narratives become increasing complex during the elementary school years.

A child says to you, "My momma she be happy about my good report card." This child appears to:

Be using African American English, a dialect with some grammatical constructions different from those of Standard English

After playing in the snow, 5-year-old Raul complains, "My feets are cold." Raul's comment shows:


At what age do children begin to realize that what people say may not be the truth?

Ages 3-6

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Which one of the following statements is consistent with a sociocultural view of language development?

Which one of the following statements is consistent with a sociocultural view of language development? "Children initially use language primarily in their interactions with other people, but increasingly they also use it to help them think more effectively."

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Which of the following best characterizes the language-development milestones in toddlerhood? A transition from preverbal to verbal communication that continues to rely somewhat on interpretation of others' gestures and relies on one's own gesture use to fill in verbal gaps.

What is the definition of child development quizlet?

child development. study of the persistent, cumulative, and progressive changes in the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of children. determined by: nature (genetic)

Which one of the following most accurately describes the concept of temperament?

Which one of the following most accurately describes the concept of temperament? A child's way of responding to events and of regulating impulses.