Which parenting style is demanding and controlling while also being accepting and responsive

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Terms in this set (44)

Which parenting style is demanding and controlling, while also being accepting and responsive?

a. Authoritarian
b. Indulgent
c. Authoritative
d. Neglectful

c. Authoritative

A parent who encourages his/her children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions is a(n):

a. Authoritarian parent
b. Authoritative parent
c. Indulgent parent
d. Neglectful parent

b. Authoritative parent

Working-class and low-income families are more likely to practice a(n) _______________ parenting style.

a. Authoritarian
b. Egalitarian
c. Permissive indulgent
d. Permissive ignoring

a. Authoritarian

Whereas the public and many professionals use the term child abuse to refer to both abuse and neglect, developmentalists increasingly use the term ___________.

a. Child neglect
b. Child maltreatment
c. Child battery
d. Child assault

b. Child maltreatment

Television continues to have a strong influence on children's development, but children's use of other media and information/communication devices has led to the use of the term ________________, which includes how much time individuals spend watching television programs and DVDs, using computers, playing video games, and using mobile media such as iPhones.

a. Screen time
b. Media time
c. Leisure time
d. Social media

a. Screen time

Who among the following is MOST likely to be rejected by peers on the basis of gender roles?

a. A little girl in boy's clothing
b. A little boy playing with a doll
c. A little boy playing with a toy truck
d. A little girl carrying a baseball mitt

b. A little boy playing with a doll

Bernice was raised by two lesbian mothers, whereas Jessica was raised by a heterosexual couple. According to research, it is MOST likely that:

a. Bernice is more popular than Jessica, whereas Jessica is more psychologically adjusted than Bernice
b. Bernice and Jessica are the same with regard to popularity and mental health
c. Bernice will have a homosexual orientation; Jessica will have a heterosexual orientation
d. Both will grow up and marry men, but Bernice is more likely to get divorced

b. Bernice and Jessica are the same with regard to popularity and mental health

Children between the ages of 3 and 12 usually prefer to play in groups that are made up of:

a. Mixed ages
b. The same sex as theirs
c. Both boys and girls
d. Children from their own socioeconomic status

b. The same sex as theirs

Developmental psychologists would describe Jennifer as an "emotion-dismissing" parent to her son. Which of the following types of behavior is Jennifer MOST likely to engage in?

a. She praises her son when he performs a task well
b. She ignores her child when he cries
c. She engages in more scaffolding with her son
d. She acknowledges her child's emotions

b. She ignores her child when he cries

When asked to describe his parenting style, Juan stated, "In my house, my word is the law". Juan is probably a(n):

a. Authoritarian parent
b. Authoritative parent
c. Indulgent parent
d. Neglectful parent

a. Authoritarian parent

Which of the following is true of children in divorced families?

a. A majority of children in divorced families do not have significant adjustment problems
b. Divorces inevitably impair children's ability to adapt to difficulties in their lives
c. Competent children cannot be raised in single-parent families
d. Children in divorced families are no more likely than children in nondivorced families to have academic problems

a. A majority of children in divorced families do not have significant adjustment problems

According to Baumrind, a parent who is very uninvolved in a child's life, showing neither responsiveness nor control, is displaying a ___________ parenting style.

a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Indulgent
d. Neglectful

d. Neglectful

What does a child get from peers that he/she typically cannot get from siblings?

a. A same-sex friend
b. A chance to share intimate feelings
c. An idea of how the child compares with other children the same age
d. A view of what the world looks like from another person's perspective

c. An idea of how the child compares with other children the same age

Which of the following statements about high-SES parents in the United States and most Western cultures is true?

a. Higher-SES parents are more likely to use physical punishment in disciplining their children
b. Higher-SES parents are less likely to use physical punishment
c. Higher-SES parents are more concerned that their children conform to society's expectations
d. Higher-SES parents are more directive and less conversational with their children

b. Higher-SES parents are less likely to use physical punishment

______________ is responding to another person's feelings with an emotion that echoes the other's feelings.

a. Guilt
b. Empathy
c. Correspondence
d. Modeling

b. Empathy

According to Freud, the moral element of the personality is called the ____________.

a. Id
b. Superid
c. Ego
d. Superego

d. Superego

Girls are more likely to engage in "_____________", in which they talk and act in a more reciprocal manner.

a. Collaborative discourse
b. Rough-and-tumble play
c. Ego displays
d. Dominating play

a. Collaborative discourse

Which parenting style is undemanding and uncontrolling, while also being accepting and responsive?

a. Authoritarian
b. Indulgent
c. Authoritative
d. Neglectful

b. Indulgent

Which of the following is an effective way of handling a child's misbehavior, according to most child psychologists?

a. Mild spanking, calculated not to hurt the child
b. Time out, in which the child is removed from a setting that offers positive reinforcement
c. Shouting at the child just enough to get the point across
d. Instilling rigid household rules and meting out severe corporal punishment if those rules are broken

b. Time out, in which the child is removed from a setting that offers positive reinforcement

Marjorie chooses to deny, ignore, or change the negative emotions of her children. She is an:

a. Emotion-coaching parent
b. Emotion-criticizing parent
c. Emotion-dismissing parent
d. Emotion-blind parent

c. Emotion-dismissing parent

The primary social theories of gender include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Evolutionary psychology view
b. Social role theory
c. Psychoanalytic theory
d. Social cognitive theory

a. Evolutionary psychology view

A parent who uses a restrictive, punitive style to control the behavior of their children is a(n):

a. Authoritarian parent
b. Authoritative parent
c. Indulgent parent
d. Neglectful parent

a. Authoritarian parent

Barbara monitors her children's emotions, views their negative emotions as opportunities for teaching, and assists her children in labeling their emotions. She is an:

a. Emotion-facilitator parent
b. Emotion-supportive parent
c. Emotion-coaching parent
d. Emotion-encouraging parent

c. Emotion-coaching parent

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky considered play be be valuable because:

a. It allows children to release tension
b. It advances the child's cognitive development
c. It helps children satisfy their need for mastery over their environment
d. It allows children to interact with their peers

b. It advances the child's cognitive development

A number of researchers have shown that a(n) _________________, which includes diminished parenting skills, occurs in the year following the divorce.

a. Centration
b. Restabilization
c. Equilibrium
d. Disequilibrium

d. Disequilibrium

Feelings of anxiety and guilt are central to the account of moral development provided by _________ theory.

a. vygotsky's sociocultural cognitive
b. Piaget's cognitive development
c. Erikson's psychosocial
d. Freud's psychoanalytic

d. Freud's psychoanalytic

__________ parents interact with their children in a less rejecting manner, use more scaffolding and praise, and are more nurturant than are emotion-dismissing parents.

a. Emotion-dismissing
b. Emotion-facilitator
c. Emotion-coaching
d. Emotion-encouraging

c. Emotion-coaching

Which of the following is true of the characteristics of sibling relationships as described by Judy Dunn?

a. There is no observable variation in sibling relationships
b. Most siblings report not really knowing each other very well
c. There is considerable variation in sibling relationships
d. Most children have predominantly negative feelings toward their siblings

c. There is considerable variation in sibling relationships

Logan is a warm and loving parent, but he also has high expectations of his kids. As he encourages independent and age-appropriate behavior from his children, Baumrind would classify him as a:

a. Authoritarian parent
b. Authoritative parent
c. Indulgent parent
d. Neglectful parent

b. Authoritative parent

The children of ___________ parents are better at soothing themselves when they get upset, more effective in regulating their negative effect, focus their attention better, and have fewer behavior problems than the children of emotion-dismissing parents.

a. Emotion-coaching
b. Emotion-facilitator
c. Emotion-encouraging
d. Emotion-independent

a. Emotion-coaching

Which parenting style is undemanding and uncontrolling, but is also rejecting, and unresponsive?

a. Authoritarian
b. Indulgent
c. Authoritative
d. Neglectful

d. Neglectful

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood is:

a. Initiative versus guilt
b. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
c. Industry versus inferiority
d. Trust versus mistrust

a. Initiative versus guilt

A __________ is a cognitive structure, a network of associations that guide an individual's perceptions

a. Format
b. Schema
c. Subset
d. System

b. Schema

The ability to discern another's inner psychological state is known as:

a. Correspondence
b. Congruence
c. Perspective taking
d. Nurturance

c. Perspective taking

Misha has been sent to his room for hitting his baby sister. His mother will come in and talk to him about why he cannot treat his sister this way and about other, more acceptable ways for him to express his anger. Which parenting style does this exemplify?

a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Indulgent
d. Neglectful

b. Authoritative

Lucy frequently spanks her child, enforces rigid household rules, and exhibits rage toward her child when those rules are broken. Lucy is most likely a(n) ______________.

a. Authoritarian parent
b. Authoritative parent
c. Indulgent parent
d. Neglectful parent

a. Authoritarian parent

_______________ especially plays a key role in children's ability to manage the demands and conflicts they face in interacting with others. It is an important component of executive function.

a. Moral integrity
b. Emotion regulation
c. Moral development
d. Independence

b. Emotion regulation

Sets of expectations that prescribe how females and males should think, act, and feel are know as gender:

a. Roles
b. Identities
c. Expectancies
d. Rules

a. Roles

According to Baumrind, a parent who is highly involved with his/her children but places few demands or controls on them is displaying a _____________ parenting style.

a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Indulgent
d. Neglectful

c. Indulgent

Tom and Katie have recently split up, but for the benefit of their child they attempt to provide one another support in jointly raising their child. This is an example of:

a. Joint parenting
b. Cooperative parenting
c. Collaborative parenting
d. Coparenting

d. Coparenting

When her mother asks Selena why she feels so sad, Selena says it is because her best friend lost her puppy. Selena is exhibiting:

a. Guilt
b. Empathy
c. Correspondence
d. Lack of perspective-taking

b. Empathy

Josh's mother makes his favorite food--burgers, fries, and pizza--every night for dinner. His mother lets Josh play as much as he wants to, study only when he feels like it, and imposes no fixed bedtime. Josh's mom is most likely a(n):

a. Authoritarian parent
b. Authoritative parent
c. Indulgent parent
d. Neglectful parent

c. Indulgent parent

In which parenting style do parents show pleasure and support in response to children's constructive behavior?

a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Indulgent
d. Neglectful

b. Authoritative

Which parenting style is demanding and controlling, while also being rejected and unresponsive?

a. Authoritarian
b. Indulgent
c. Authoritative
d. Neglectful

a. Authoritarian

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What is the most controlling parenting style?

Authoritarian parents are unresponsive to their child's needs and are generally not nurturing. They usually justify using mean treatment to toughen up their kids. Children whose parents have an authoritarian parenting style tend to: What is this?

Which is the parenting style that is strict and demanding but also responsive to the needs and feelings of the child?

Summed up, some researchers have described it this way: Authoritative parents are highly demanding (like authoritarian parents), but they are also very responsive to their children's needs (Maccoby and Martin 1983).

What are the 4 parenting styles?

Psychologists tend to focus on the four key parenting styles:.

What is an authoritative parenting style?

Authoritative. In this parenting style, the parents are nurturing, responsive, and supportive, yet set firm limits for their children. They attempt to control children's behavior by explaining rules, discussing, and reasoning. They listen to a child's viewpoint but don't always accept it.