Which psychological perspective focuses on bodily events in their effects on behavior feelings and thoughts?


General Psych

Boston University

the discipline concerned with behavior and mental processes and how they are affected by an organism's pshyical and mental state, and external environment.

Emphasized the analysis of immediate experiences into basic elements. Teachers of structuralism taught introspection; people were taught to observe, describe, and analyze their own sensations, mental images, and emotional reactions.

William James-said searching for building blocks of experience was a waste of time, as the brain and the mind are constantly changing

How, and why something happens. Emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness. Includes the study of children, animals, religious experiences, and the stream of consciousness. wanted to know how certain behaviors and mental processes help us adapt to our environment.

A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy. Emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts. A person's unconscious is timeless.

The psychological approach that focuses on how bodily events affect: behavior, feelings, and thoughts. This perspective involves hormones, brain chemistry, heredity, evolutionary influences. studies how biology affects learning and performance, perceptions of reality etc

Concerned with how the environment and experience affect a person's (or nonhuman animal's) actions. Developed by John Watson, the father of Behaviorism. 

Psychological perspective that emphasizes what goes on in people's heads-how people reason, remember, understand language, solve problems, explain experiences, acquire standards, and form beliefs.

Focuses on social and cultural forces outside the individual. Focus on social rules and roles, how groups affect attitude and behavior, why people obey authority, and how each of us is affected by other people. 

Psychodynamic Perspective

Emphasizes the unconscious dynamics within the individual, such as inner forces, conflicts, or the movement of instinctual energy. Involves unconscious thought, desire, and conflict.

Believed everyone could change if the will was there. Emphasizes personal growth and the achievement of man's potential, rather than scientific understanding of behavior. rejected psychoanalysis and behaviorism.

Logotherapy is an effect of humanist philosophy. Means "finding meaning in life," which is different for every living being.

pseudoscience and quackery covered by a veneer of psychological and scientific-sounding language. confirms our existing beliefs and prejudices

Steps of critical thinking

ask questions define terms examine the evidence analyze assumptions and biases avoid emotional reasoning don't oversimplify consider other interpretations tolerate uncertainty

different areas of the brain account for specific character and personality traits

the careful observation and analysis of one's sensations, mental images, and emotional reactions.

5 major psychological perspectives

biological, learning, cognitive, sociocultural, and psychodynamic

focuses on how genetically influenced behavior that was functional or adaptive during our evolutionary past may be reflected in many of our present behaviors, mental processes, and traits.

Social cognitive learning theory

combines behaviorism w/ research on thoughts, values, expectations, and intentions. SCL theorists believe people learn not only by adapting their behavior to their environment, but also by imitating others and by thinking about the events happening around them.

study social rules and roles, how groups affect attitude and behavior, why people obey authority, and how each of us is affected by other people

examine how cultural roles and values, both explicit and unspoken, affect people's development, behavior, and feeling.

diagnose, treat, and study mental or emotioal problems

the thinker chooses the explanation of an event that makes the fewest assumptions, and has the most evidence

0.0/ 5.0 PointsD. feelingQuestion 11 of 20Francine is conducting a Google search on a topic before writing a paper. Her critical thinkingskills are not that well developed, so she is likely to:

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5.0/ 5.0 PointsQuestion 12 of 20Which of these is a theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy that emphasizesunconscious motives and conflicts?A. FunctionalismB. PhrenologyC. StructuralismD. Psychoanalysis

5.0/ 5.0 PointsQuestion 13 of 20To avoid bias, critical thinkers try to identify the __________ on which claims and argumentsare based.

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Which modern psychological perspective shows how people thought and experience affect their actions feelings and choices?

The Cognitive Perspective This approach focuses on how internal thoughts and feelings influence one's behavior. The cognitive approach emphasizes the importance of memory, perception and attention, language, decision-making and problem-solving.

Which perspective in psychology focuses on how people process and remember information solve problems and think?

Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology dedicated to studying how people think. The cognitive perspective in psychology focuses on how the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving abilities affect how and why you think the way you do.

Which modern psychological perspective focuses on how our Behaviour is influenced by the other people in our environment?

The behaviorist perspective is concerned with how environmental factors (called stimuli) affect observable behavior (called the response). The behaviorist perspective proposes two main processes whereby people learn from their environment: namely classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

What is the psychological approach that emphasizes the role of the environment in influencing behavior?

Behaviorism emphasizes the role of environmental factors in influencing behavior, to the near exclusion of innate or inherited factors.