Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

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Professional Education 50 Items Part 2 1. Teacher A, a Values Education teacher emphasizes ethics in almost all her lessons. Which of the following emphasizes the same? a. Liberal Education b. Moral Education c. Religious Training d. Social Education 2. Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino as media of instruction in specific learning areas? a. Alternative Learning b. Bilingual Education c. K-12 Program d. Multilingual Education 3. Activities planned by school clubs/ organizations show school-community connection geared towards society's needs. What philosophy is related to this? a. Existentialism b. Progressivism c. Realism d. Social reconstructionism 4. What philosophy is related to the practice of schools acting as laboratory for teaching reforms and experimentation? a. Essentialism b. Existentialism c. Progressivism d. Social Reconstructionism 5. Which of the following situations presents a value conflict? a. The teacher and his students have class standing as their priorities. b. The teacher and the administrator follow a set of criteria in giving grades. c. The teacher has students whose parents want their children to obtain higher grades than what they are capable of getting. d. The teacher sets high expectations for intelligent students such as getting higher grades. 6. Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood is exemplified? a. The class conducted a debate using Filipino as medium b. The class is required ...
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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino



Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino



Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino



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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Technical Writing for Success

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Social Psychology

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

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Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino


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Which reform in the Philippine educational system advocates the use of English and Filipino as media of instruction?

The provision of Article XIV Section 7 of the 1987 Constitution states: “For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino, and until otherwise provided by law, English.

What is Perennialism in philosophy of education?

Perennialism values knowledge that transcends time. This is a subject-centered philosophy. The goal of a perennialist educator is to teach students to think rationally and develop minds that can think critically.

What are the educational reform in the Department of Education?

The four key areas of reform include: Development of rigorous standards and better assessments. Adoption of better data systems to provide schools, teachers, and parents with information about student progress. Support for teachers and school leaders to become more effective.

What is reconstructionism in philosophy of education?

Reconstructionism/Critical Theory Social reconstructionism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy. Reconstructionist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of education.