Which risk factors are associated with an increased risk for postpartum infection Quizlet

postpartum psychosis

The client's signs and symptoms suggest that the client has developed postpartum psychosis. Postpartum psychosis is characterized by clients exhibiting suspicious and incoherent behavior, confusion, irrational statements, and obsessive concerns about the baby's health and welfare. Delusions, specific to the infant, are present. Sudden terror and a sense of impending doom are characteristic of postpartum panic disorders. Postpartum depression is characterized by a client feeling that her life is rapidly tumbling out of control. The client thinks of herself as an incompetent parent. Emotional swings, crying easily—often for no reason—and feelings of restlessness, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, headache, anxiety, loss of appetite, decreased ability to concentrate, irritability, sadness, and anger are common findings are characteristic of postpartum blues.

A) Multiparity, age of mother, operative delivery
B) Size of placenta, small baby, operative delivery
C) Uterine atony, placenta previa, operative procedures
D) Prematurity, infection, length of labor
Ans: C

Risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage include a precipitous labor less than 3 hours, uterine atony, placenta previa or abruption, labor induction or augmentation, operative procedures such as vacuum extraction, forceps, or cesarean birth, retained placental fragments, prolonged third stage of labor greater than 30 minutes, multiparity, and uterine overdistention such as from a large infant, twins, or hydramnios.

A) Use of a mild analgesic about 1 hour before breast-feeding
B) Application of expressed breast milk to the nipples
C) Application of glycerin-based gel to the nipples
D) Reinstruction about proper latching-on technique
Ans: A

Nipple pain is difficult to treat, although a wide variety of topical creams, ointments, and gels are available to do so. This group includes beeswax, glycerin-based products, petrolatum, lanolin, and hydrogel products. Many women find these products comforting. Beeswax, glycerin-based products, and petrolatum all need to be removed before breast-feeding. These products should be avoided in order to limit infant exposure because the process of removal may increase nipple irritation. Mild analgesics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are considered relatively safe for breast-feeding mothers. Applying expressed breast milk to nipples and allowing it to dry has been suggested to reduce nipple pain. Usually the pain is due to incorrect latch-on and/or removal of the nursing infant from the breast. Early assistance with breast-feeding to ensure correct positioning can help prevent nipple trauma. In addition, applying expressed milk to nipples and allowing it to dry has been suggested to result in less nipple pain for many women.

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There are many risk factors for developing a postpartum infection: operative procedures(eg, forceps, cesarean section, vacuum extraction), history of diabetes, prolonged labor (longer than 24 hours), use of Foley catheter, anemia, multiple vaginal examinations during labor, prolonged rupture of membranes, manual extraction of placenta, and HIV.

There are many risk factors for developing a postpartum infection: operative procedures(eg, forceps, cesarean section, vacuum extraction), history of diabetes, prolonged labor (longer than 24 hours), use of Foley catheter, anemia, multiple vaginal examinations during labor, prolonged rupture of membranes, manual extraction of placenta, and HIV

• anemia
• diabetes
• cigarette smoking
• obesity
• multiparity
Risk factors for developing thromboembolic conditions include anemia, diabetes, cigarette smoking, obesity, preeclampsia, hypertension, varicose veins, pregnancy, cesarean section, multiparity, inactivity, and advanced maternal age.

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Which risk factors are associated with an increased risk for postpartum infection?

The following increase the risk for postpartum infections:.
History of cesarean delivery..
Premature rupture of membranes..
Frequent cervical examination (Sterile gloves should be used in examinations. ... .
Internal fetal monitoring..
Preexisting pelvic infection including bacterial vaginosis..
Nutritional status..

Which client is at risk for postpartum infection?

The most significant risk for puerperal infections is cesarean delivery. Likewise, females with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, anemia, and immune system problems are more prone to infections.

Which factor in a client's history would alert the nurse to an increased risk for postpartum hemorrhage?

High blood pressure of pregnancy. Having many previous births. Prolonged labor. Infection.

Which is the most likely reason for the risk of postpartum hemorrhage in a client who has undergone a cesarean delivery?

PPH has many potential causes, but the most common, by a wide margin, is uterine atony, ie, failure of the uterus to contract and retract following delivery of the baby. PPH in a previous pregnancy is a major risk factor and every effort should be made to determine its severity and cause.