Which statement best explains why the transcontinental railroad took several years to build?

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Terms in this set (11)

One modern town that was originally built to serve the railroads was


Although the Dakota Territory was organized in 1861.
According to the passage, what were effects of the Homestead Act? Check all that apply.

New states were added to the Union
The population grew in the territories.
The cattle-ranching industry grew.

One fraudulent strategy that speculators engaged in was

building tiny structures on land to meet the requirements.

During the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the United States,

many new towns and settlements grew

How did Abraham Lincoln affect the construction of the transcontinental railroad?

Lincoln signed the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 into law, which stimulated the construction of the railroad.

In the 1840s, the main argument in Congress over the transcontinental railroad concerned

where the railroad should run.

Which statement best explains why the transcontinental railroad took several years to build?

Digging through the mountains was very difficult, and the long winters hampered workers' ability to make progress.

How did the completion of the transcontinental railroad change the lives of American citizens?

It shortened travel time between the East and West for all Americans.

How were the conflicts between homesteaders and American Indians resolved in the wake of the Homestead Act?

The American government forced American Indians to leave the land

Due to the railroads, American settlers were able to travel west in larger numbers. How did this migration impact American Indians?

American Indians' way of life changed because buffalo herds were destroyed for commercial markets

An individual who received a parcel of land under the Homestead Act had to live on that land for at least

five years.

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What was the main reason for building the transcontinental railroad?

The transcontinental railroad was built to open up the interior and allow settlement in these areas, to make rural and unexplored areas accessible, and to ease the transportation of both goods and passengers from one area to another.

Why was the transcontinental railroad built quizlet?

The Transcontinental Railroad made it so that it was easier to for mail and goods to travel faster and cheaper. It took land away from Native Americans and many were killed in the early stages.

How did the completion of the transcontinental railroad change the lives of American citizens quizlet?

How did the completion of the transcontinental railroad change the lives of American citizens? It shortened travel time between the East and West for all Americans. Due to the railroads, American settlers were able to travel west in larger numbers.

When Why and how did the transcontinental railroad system develop?

In 1862, Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act, which authorized the construction of a transcontinental railroad. The first such railroad was completed on May 10, 1869. By 1900, four additional transcontinental railroads connected the eastern states with the Pacific Coast.