Which techniques are effective ways to reduce the escalation of commitment choose every correct answer?

Sense of invulnerability - Group members have the illusion that nothing can go wrong, breeding excessive optimism and risk taking

Rationalization - Pet assumptions underlying the group's decisions are protected from critical questions

Illusion of unanimity - A group member's silence is interpreted as consent

The wisdom of crowds - Groupthink's pressure to conform can lead members with different ideas to censor themselves

Which techniques are effective ways to reduce the escalation of commitment?

Which techniques are effective ways to reduce the escalation of commitment? Make decision makers aware of the costs of persistence., Set minimum performance targets and compare performance results. and Rotate managers in key positions during a project.

What is the goal of conducting a project post mortem quizlet?

A post-mortem analysis is performed for projects that are canceled or end prematurely. A post-mortem goes hand in hand with lessons learned because in it you examine the project from the beginning to the ending point and look at what went right and what went wrong.

Which of these are reasons for the increase in ethical violations among business leaders in the 21st century?

Which of these are reasons for the increase in ethical violations among business leaders in the 21st century? Digital communications are more susceptible to hackers and whistleblowers. Globalization allows businesses to operate in regions where ethical risks are greater.

In what way is artificial intelligence expected for business with enhanced decision making?

AI-driven algorithms process large amounts of data within minutes to provide meaningful business-based insights. While humans face decision fatigue, AI-algorithms do not have such limitations and this makes the entire decision making process easier and faster. This is how AI simplifies business decision making.