Which theory explains why older adults spend more time with close friends and family members?

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  • Which theory explains why older adults spend more time with close friends and family members?
  • Which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family group of answer choices?
  • What does the active theory State quizlet?
  • Which theory states that older adults narrow their social networks?





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Terms in this set (55)

Which theory explains why older adults spend more time with close friends and family members?

Socialemotional selectivity theory

Older adults are motivated to spend more time pursuing ______ satisfaction.


______ refers to older adults having a reduced capacity and loss of functioning. which require a reduction in performance in most life domains.


When referring to selective optimization with compensation theory, ______ suggests that it is possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies.


In selective optimization with compensation theory, ______ becomes relevant when life tasks require more capacity than an older adult currently exhibits.


People in which age groups said they personally invested more time in work, friends, and family, and independence, in that order?

25 to 34 years of age

Older adults are the fastest growing segments of the Internet users. What are they particularly interested in using the internet for? Check all that apply:
- Emailing
- Managing portfolios
- Getting health information
- Staying in touch with relatives

- Emailing
- Getting health information
- Staying in touch with relatives

Older adults use the internet on a regular basis to ______.
Check all that apply:
- write personal emails
- research health question
- communicate with family
- research online scams

- research health question
- communicate with family
- research online scams

Life review involves which of the following behaviors? Check all that apply:
- Reinterpreting life experiences
- Avoiding unpleasant life experiences
- Interpreting life experiences
- Evaluating life experiences

- Reinterpreting life experiences
- Interpreting life experiences
- Evaluating life experiences

What is it called when an individual discusses past activities and experiences with another individual or group?

Reminiscence therapy

What does the activity theory state?

The more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with they lives.

Prejudice against other because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults, is called


In an analysis of many cultures, which of the following factors were found to be important to living the "good life" as an older adult? Check all that apply:
- Material wealth
- Health
- Kinship/support
- Security

- Health
- Kinship/support
- Security

______ involves looking after the physical and emotional well-being of older members of the family.


One stereotype of older adults is that most live in institutions of some sort. However, nearly ______ of older adults live in the community.


Which behaviors have been linked to health benefits for older adults?

Helping others

In the social ______ model of social relations, individuals go through life embedded in a personal network of individuals to whom they give and from whom they receive social support.


What individuals might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming are called ______ selves.


Although older adults are aware of age-related losses, most still effectively maintain a sense of ______.


Which of the following are ways older adults are often perceived? Check all that apply:
- Incapable of thinking clearly
- Incapable of enjoying sex
- Incapable of learning new things
- Incapable of influencing social policy

- Incapable of thinking clearly
- Incapable of enjoying sex
- Incapable of learning new things

The majority of older divorced adults are women, due to their ______.

greater longevity

What is the eight sage of Erikson's life-span theory, which takes place during late adulthood called?

Integrity vs. Despair

Which of the following factors are important for successful aging? Check all that apply:

- Having cognitive stimulation
- Being socially active
- Having an active lifestyle
- having material wealth

- Having cognitive stimulation
- Being socially active
- Having an active lifestyle

A longitudinal study of adults 75 years of age and older revealed that individuals who were _______ (single/married) were less likely to die during a seven-year time span.


Adult children are an important part of an older adult's ______ network.


_______ strategies that can help older adults include searching for other ways to achieve what one wants being willing to let others help, and trying new ways to achieve similar results.


______ older adults are less likely than ______ adults to need formal social supports.

married; non-married

Research of ethnic minority older adults living in poverty is of major concern for which population? Check all that apply:

- Asian Americans
- African Americans
- Latinos
- Native Americans

- African Americans
- Latinos

Research has show that in late adulthood, _______ were more important than _______ on predicting mental health.

friendship; family relationships

What are some the reasons older adults cohabit. Check all that apply:
- For companionship
- To maintain separate assets
- To provide care for each other
- To raise children together

- For companionship
- To maintain separate assets
- To provide care for each other

Some research has shown that ______ declines in late adulthood.


The benefits of social support includes which of the following? Check all that apply:

- A reduction in symptoms of diseases
- A reduction in financial stress
- An improved ability to meet one's own health care needs
- improved mental health

- A reduction in symptoms of diseases
- An improved ability to meet one's own health care needs
- improved mental health

selective optimization with ______ theory states that older adults can produce new resources and allocate them effectively to the tasks they want to master.


Ethnic minority older women face the triple jeopardy of ______, ______, and racism

ageism, sexism

Which of the following outcomes have researchers linked to poverty in late adulthood? Check all that apply:
- Increase in physical health problems, but no increase in mental health problems
-Greater resiliency and stringer social ties
- Increase in physical and mental health problems
- Increased risk of earlier death
- Lower levels of physical and cognitive fitness

- Increase in physical and mental health problems
- Increased risk of earlier death
- Lower levels of physical and cognitive fitness

For adults aged 60 to 80, there is a strong indicator that the loss of their partner will leave the feeling ______.


"Focus on the most important goal at a particular time" is an example of a ______ strategy for older adults.


True or false: Experts believe that selective narrowing of social interactions is an unhealthy reaction to aging.


Which of the following are policy issues affecting the United States as the population ages? Check all that apply:

- Lack of senior volunteerism
- The status of the economy
- Lack of nursing home facilities
- Access to health care
- Generational inequity

- The status of the economy
- Access to health care
- Generational inequity

______ is the view that our aging society is being unfair to its younger members because older adults pile up advantages by receiving a large allocation of resources.

Generational inequity

Census research suggests that the overall number of older adults living in poverty has ______ since the 1960s.


______ ______ is the view that our aging society in being unfair to its younger members because older adults pile up advantages by receiving a large allocation of resources.

Generational inequity

"Keep working on what you have planned until you are successful" is an example of a/an ______ strategy for older adults.


high levels of conscientiousness in older adults are linked to ______.

reduced mortality rates

According to research, self-esteem ______ in adults in their 70s and 80s.

dropped significantly

What are some of the reasons older adults cohabit? Check all that apply:

- to maintain separate assets
- to provide care for each other
- for companionship
- to raise children together

- to maintain separate assets
- to provide care for each other
- for companionship

As they grow older, people tend to choose ______ friends over ______ friends. m

close; new

What percentage of older adults cohabit?


Successful aging involves self-efficacy, or perceived control over the ______.


Which of the following factors are likely to predict whether a culture accords a position of high status to older adults? Check all that apply:

- Older persons control key family resources.
- Older persons have fewer responsibilities in community, family, and social settings.
- Older persons are permitted to engage in useful functions as long as possible.
- The extended family is a common family arrangement in the culture.
- The culture is individualistic rather than collectivist.

- Older persons control key family resources.
- Older persons are permitted to engage in useful functions as long as possible.
- The extended family is a common family arrangement in the culture.

Judy reminisces about when her children were young. She reveals to her daughter that she often felt tired and discouraged during those times. Seeing her children as parents helps Judy to realize that she was and is a good mother. This is an aspect of Judy's:

life review

When thinking of life reviews, which of the following sociocultural dimensions are included? Check all that apply:

- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Technology
- Culture

- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Culture

According to socioemotional selectivity theory, what are the two important classes of goals?

Knowledge-related and emotional

Compared with younger adults, older adults experience ______.

fewer emotional highs and lows

What 3 factors involve selection optimization theory?

- selection: focus on 1 or 2 things
- optimization: perform 1 thing well; enhance ability
- compensation: acting quickly to replace things; asking for help

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Which theory explains why older adults spend more time with close friends and family members?

Socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999) suggests that, as a person ages, she/he invests more time in relationships (and activities/goals) that are rewarding and maximize their positive social relationships through this process.

Which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family group of answer choices?

Now that Nastasya is in late adulthood, the socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that she will: spend most of her time with familiar friends. Stereotypes of old age common among young, middle-aged, and elderly adults: portray the elderly mainly as incapable and easy to push to the side.

What does the active theory State quizlet?

What does the activity theory state? The less active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives. The more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.

Which theory states that older adults narrow their social networks?

Socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that as individuals age, they narrow their social networks to devote more emotional resources to fewer relationships with close friends and family.

What does the activity theory state?

The activity theory of aging proposes that older adults are happiest when they stay active and maintain social interactions. These activities, especially when meaningful, help the elderly to replace lost life roles after retirement and, therefore, resist the social pressures that limit an older person's world.

Which theory states that as we age our social networks may get smaller but the relationships we do maintain become stronger?

Socioemotional selectivity theory provides a theoretical framework in which most of the above-mentioned empirical findings on age-related changes and health-related functions of social relationships can be considered.

Which theorist is most associated with selective optimization with compensation theory?

Paul B. Baltes was born in Saarlouis, Germany. He is credited with developing theories about lifespan and wisdom, the selective optimization with compensation theory, and theories about successful aging and developing. He received his doctorate from the University of Saarbrücken (Saarland, Germany) in 1967.

What is the eighth stage of Erikson's life span theory which takes place during late adulthood called?

Despair. Ego integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson's stage theory of psychosocial development. This stage begins at approximately age 65 and ends at death.