Which theory focuses on everyday interactions to explain peoples social standing in society Quizlet

(Theories of Social Class: Postmodernism and Social Reproduction)

More recently, ___ attempted to explain social reproduction.

•Social reproduction: the tendency for social-class status to be passed down from one generation to the next

According to Bourdieu, this happens because each generation acquires cultural capital (tastes, habits, expectations, skills, knowledge, etc.), which helps us to gain advantages in society.

•This cultural capital either helps or hinders us as we become adults.

Which major theory would say that her appearance reflects people's perception of her social standing?

Symbolic interactionists also note that people's appearance reflects their perceived social standing.

Which theory suggests that social stratification represents the built in and necessarily unequal value of different work?

In 1945, sociologists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore published the Davis-Moore thesis , which argued that the greater the functional importance of a social role, the greater must be the reward. The theory posits that social stratification represents the inherently unequal value of different work.

Which theory is deeply critical of social stratification because it benefits only some people and not all of society?

Conflict theorists are deeply critical of social stratification, asserting that it benefits only some people, not all of society. For instance, to a conflict theorist, it seems wrong that a basketball player is paid millions for an annual contract while a public school teacher earns $35,000 a year.

How do conflict theorists view stratification quizlet?

The conflict theory of social inequality holds that stratification exists because it benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others.