Which two of the following statements are primary advantages of a teacher using an analytic rubric to evaluate a students oral presentation to the class?

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Terms in this set (132)

A teacher introduces multiplying two-digit numbers by breaking down each step during whole-class instruction. Three students continue to struggle after four days of instruction and practice. The teacher provides three additional days of small group instruction to the students, who are then able to be successful independently. Which of the following learning theories does this best represent?

Zone of proximal development

At the end of a unit of study, students refer back to a KWL chart they started to fill out at the beginning of the unit. By reflecting on what they have learned, students can

determine actual progress to see if they reached their goals

Which of the following assessments can a teacher use to best determine whether a student is reading on grade level?

Achievement test

Which of the following examples best represents analytical scoring on an essay?

Assigning a B for content and an A for mechanics

A teacher asks her class, "How did people measure length before they had rulers?" Students work in groups to brainstorm ideas, such as using their hands and feet. The teachers question best exemplifies which of the following theories?


A third grade teacher observes that a student has trouble remembering information and following directions that are presented orally. The student also has difficulty focusing in loud environments. Which of the following best describes the probable area of exceptionality this student demonstrates?


Which of the following findings about bullying is best supported by research?

Boys are more likely than girls to bully others and use physical aggression

A science teacher wants to build a garden on school property for students to grow plants and study life cycles. The teacher creates an action plan that includes goals for involving the community. Which of the following describes the best first step for the teachers action plan?

Meeting with administrators to talk about the purpose and scope of the project

To help with classroom management, a teacher teaches students to associate certain clapping sequences and light signals with desired behaviors. The teacher's classroom management technique is an application of which of the following learning theories?

Classical conditioning

John, a second grader, complains to his parents that his teacher kept him in from recess for misbehaving in class. At a parent-teacher conference, the parents say that they think the consequence was too extreme. Which of the following best describes what the teacher should do to address the parent's concern?

Review with the parents the classroom rules and consequences that are aligned to the schools standards

Ms. Smith's students have been studying single-digit subtraction. Before moving on to double-digit subtraction, Ms. Smith develops a quiz to assess how much her students understand about single-digit subtraction. If any of her students do poorly, she will spend another day reteaching and reviewing the concepts. Which of the following types of assessment does Ms. Smith's quiz best represent?


Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that the teachers role is to encourage students to

Seek answers by making connections to prior knowledge

Which of the following instructional approaches will best allow a teacher to increase student interdependence?

Cooperative learning groups

Which of the following actions complies with the fair use provisions of copyright law?

Permitting several groups of students to watch a portion of a teacher-purchased movie

Which of the following is an appropriate goal for administering a criterion-referenced test?

Assessing student mastery of specific concepts

Mr. Irwin encourages his elementary students to be active participants during his lessons. A few weeks into the new school year, Mr. Irwin notices Aiko, an Asian Pacific student, does not participate in discussions or ask any questions. What should Mr. Irwin consider first about Aiko?

Aiko may have grown up in a culture that encourages him to be quiet and obedient without questioning his superiors

A teacher planning instruction completes the following ordered steps.

1. Identify the lesson's objective
2. Develop assessment criteria
3. Choose instructional activities

By following the steps, the teacher best demonstrates an understanding of

Ensuring that concepts students need to learn guide lessons

A teacher implements message journals in the classroom. The teacher sends a journal home with each student on Monday, along with a note regarding accomplishments, concerns, needs, and upcoming school events. Parents return the journals on Thursday with any questions or concerns. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the journals?

Supporting communication between home and school

A teacher notices that some students learn best by discussing subject matter content with peers, while others prefer a quiet place to read and practice on their own. In response, the teacher decides to adjust lesson expectations and create space in the classroom to meet the needs of both sets of students. By taking this action the teacher demonstrates an understanding of the importance of which of the following

Differentiated instruction

The primary purpose of an analytic scoring rubric is to

evaluate specific criteria for an assignment

Arias class is learning how to write their first and last names in cursive. Despite guidance from her teacher, and many attempts, Aria is unable to form the letters correctly and with the appropriate size and spacing. According to Edward Throndike, Arians inability to write her name in cursive is explained bu the law of


With respect to phonemic awareness, which of the following could be the greatest area of challenge for an English-language learner?

Sounds that are different in the students native language

A school establishes a mentoring program for incoming teachers. Which of the following is the primary goal of this program?

Providing one-to-one assistance for new teachers

Makalya, a sixth grade student, received a equivalent score of 7.2 on a recent standardized reading test. Which of the following interpretations of the data is most accurate to communicate to Makalya's parents?

Makalya's overall reading ability is comparable to that of a student who is in the second month of seventh grade.

A teacher evaluates the scores students in a class achieved on a recent standardized assessment. Which of the following best describes the instructional implications of a high standard deviation in the scores?

The teacher must differentiate instruction to meet the wide range of ability levels in the class

Which of the following questions best promotes the highest level of student thinking skills?

Why do you think the character's actions were jsutified?

Which of the following scenarios best describes a teachers use of holistic scoring?

A teacher reads a student paper using a rubric that addresses the scoring criteria. The teacher balances the strengths and weaknesses and assigns an overall score

Which of the following should a teacher do to best improve content knowledge in science

Join the National Science Teachers Associeation

An elementary school teacher has developed a series of centers at which students can practice literacy skills and create learning logs. Which of the following teaching strategies is the teacher most likely utilizing?

Independent study

Mr. Larson is teaching his third graders how to "read between the lines." He will later explain that the skill they are practicing is an example of


A teacher sets up an interactive Web site that allows students to post comments about the book that the class is currently reading and to read one another's posts. The teacher is most likely using technology in this way to

Encourage students expression of ideas

A score report from a standardized test ranks a seventh-grade student in the 70th percentile. The score indicates that which of the following is true?

The student scored higher than 70% of all students

According to the second stage of Kohlberg's stages of moral development, which of following is true of students who exhibit characteristics of preconventional moral development?

They believe in acting in their own interest

Which of the following is the primary benefit of using a KWL chart with students during instruction?

Helping students link prior knowledge to the current lesson

Which of the following strategies best increases motivation and achievement in students?

Providing students with a menu of instructional choices

Ms. Erman, a new teacher, has met once a week for 30 minutes with an assigned mentor to discuss curriculum and discipline management during the past month. Ms. Erman is frustrated that the mentor spends the whole time sharing personal issues and disregards Ms. Erman's questions. Which of the following best helps Ms. Erman obtain the needed support to address and resolve the issue?

Meeting with the principal to discuss how to manage the problem

A teacher wants to improve the literacy skills and self-motivation of several fifth-grade students who are struggling with reading and writing. Which of the following strategies will most likely accomplish this goal?

Providing students with engaging materials and focused instruction on successfully completing reading and writing tasks

Which of the following statements accurately describes the impact of metacognition on the learning of elementary students?

Students benefit from receiving explicit instruction on when to use cognitive strategies

Which of the following teacher strategies is most effective for motivating elementary students to read recreationally?

Creating a class library that includes a variety of topics and a range of reading levels

According to social learning theory, students working within the zone of proximal development are most likely to learn because

Receiving support from a knowledgable helper

Which of the following requires that public schools provide increased accountability measured bu the administration of standardized tests?

The No Child Left Behind Act

Which of the following is an open ended question?

What do you predict would happen to a lion born in the wild with a coat of a much darker color?

Which of the following activities best reflects a family-centered program and a promotion of parent partnerships with the school?

Relating classroom activities to the various needs and interests of children and families

A teacher observes that a student is able to do the following:
•Solve problems with hands-on manipulatives in a logical fashion
•Understand laws of conservation and is able to classify and seriate
•Understand reversibility

According to Piaget, which of the following stages of cognitive development has the student reached?

Concrete operational

Which of the following is the best action for a teacher to take to develop self-motivation in a group of students?

Providing students with frequent and specific positive feedback

A small group of students in a sixth-grade class is socializing during instructional time. Which of the following teacher responses is most likely to be effective in redirecting the students' attention to their task?

Moving closer to the students

A second grade teacher is planning a unit on insects. Which of the following objectives for the unit best addresses the psychomotor domain?

Students will construct a cocoon using thread and white paste

Which of the following questions during a reading lesson best fosters metacognition in elementary students?

Which reading strategies did you try using?

After the first week of school, a beginning teacher has concerns about managing behavior in the classroom. Which of the following is the teacher's best first step to address the concern?

Keep a reflective journal about the types of problematic behaviors that occur

Which of the following best describes an example of differentiated instruction?

A teacher maximizes each students growth by meeting his or her level of readiness

A teacher administers a summative test following a unit of study. More than 80 percent of the students receive a grade of 50 percent or below. Which of the following is the best next step for the teacher to take?

A. Returning the test to students and requesting a parent's signature

B. Allowing students who failed to retake the test multiple times

C. Reteaching content not mastered and reassessing students with a new tool

D. Teaching the next unit in the scope and sequence schedule

Reteaching content not mastered and reassessing students with a new tool

Which of the following best describes the primary role of a mentor working with a new teacher?

the mentor observes the new teacher in the classroom and then meets with the teacher to discuss and reflect on the observations and plan strategies for improvement.

Prior to an activity, a teacher gives students written criteria that explain what they will need to know in order to receive a specific grade. Which of the following assessment tools is the teacher most likely using?


Which of the following is most likely to encourage parents to help their child continue his or her learning after school hours?

Posting assignments on a Web site so parents can monitor their child's work

A student who has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) needs additional time to complete work and to take tests. Which of the following pieces of legislation is most appropriate for the school to use in implementing a plan to help the student?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

A teacher exposes students to a topic several times with increasing complexity throughout the school year. The new learning is put in the context of prior learning. By instructing students in this manner, the teacher best demonstrates an understanding of which of the following?

A. Spiral curriculum

B. Constructivist teaching

C. Inquiry-based learning

D. Interdisciplinary learning

Spiral curriculum

Which of the following strategies is most likely to increase students self motivation during a unit?

Offering students a menu of activities to choose from

Which of the following best describes a characteristic of a summative assessment?

It provides scores that can be used to determine program effectiveness

Two teachers share responsibilities for leadership and instruction in a classroom. The teachers alternate leading instructional activities and supporting students. The classroom described is primarily an example of

Team teaching

Increasing the font size of a student's reading assignment is best described as

an instructional accommodation

A teacher who supports the theory of social learning will most likely plan instruction to include which of the following activities?

A. Using think-alouds to model how to question text

B. Introducing new learning activities with a KWL chart

C. Having students write reflective statements at the end of lessons

D. Posing Socratic questions during class discussions

Using think alouds to model how to question text

Which of the following is the best strategy for a new teacher to use when determining instructional content

Reviewing the curriculum standards provided by the state and school district

Which of the following statements about validity and reliability is most accurate?

Reliability measures the consistency of an assessment and validity measures the accuracy

An elementary teacher, Ms. Reed reads aloud a story to a group of English-language learners. She pauses to indicate a change in events, points to illustrations in the book, and changes the volume and pitch of her voice to emphasize certain aspects of the story. Which of the following strategies is she most likely implementing?

Using verbal and nonverbal clues to help students understand the story

The use of which of the following is most effective for improving the reading fluency of emerging readers

Timed repeated readings

Which of the following actions is the best example of a teacher applying the zone of proximal development theory?

Using pretest data to develop lessons that account for students' prior knowledge

Second-grade teachers meet to review the results of a benchmark reading assessment. After reviewing the data, they discuss strategies they can use to support struggling readers. The teachers agree to meet the following month to discuss how the struggling readers are progressing. The professional development practice the teachers are using is

Participating in a professional learning community

Before students read a chapter from the class novel, the teacher asks them to record a prediction in their reading journals about what they think is going to happen. After they finish reading the chapter, the teacher asks them to comment on the predictions they made before reading. The act of making and thinking about predictions is primarily an example of


Which of the following is the most important question for a teacher to consider when reading the results of a study on an instructional intervention?

Does the intervention meet the needs of my students

Which of the following is the defining characteristics of a criterion-referenced test?

It measures student performance against specific learning standards

According to Piaget's theories of cognitive development, which of the following is the structure that children use to continually adapt to and organize concepts


Which of the following variables exerts the most influence on a students academic achievement?

Parents level of education

After two students refuse to help their table mates clean up the learning center, the teacher gives tokens for good behavior to those students who helped clean up. Which of the following is the teacher using to deal with the two unhelpful students?

A.Positive reinforcement
B.Negative reinforcement
C.Negative punishment
D.Positive punishment

Negative punishment

The primary advantage of testing student knowledge with an essay test rather than a selected-response is that an essay test

requires more critical thinking

Which of the following is the most important reason for the efficient use of physical space in a classroom

Creating safe movement through the room

Which of the following scores is best for determining how a student has preformed on a test when compared to a peer group taking the same test?

Percentile rank

Ms. Bhodi is a first-year teacher who has difficulty reflecting on her practice. Which of the following actions will be most helpful for strengthening her reflection skills?

A.Observing lessons taught by experienced colleagues
B.Viewing and analyzing videos of her own lessons
C.Discussing her teaching techniques with a mentor
D.Making detailed notes in her lesson plans

Viewing and analyzing videos of her own lessons

A teacher is disciplining a fourth grader for misbehavior in the lunchroom. As the student describes the incident, the teacher continually contradicts the student's account. The student becomes increasingly agitated, resulting in disrespectful behavior and further discipline. Which of the following changes in the teacher's communication is most likely to improve the outcome of the discipline?

A.Using body language to convey interest
B.Repeating what the student says to confirm understanding
C.Maintaining eye contact to encourage the student to continue
D.Mirroring the student's facial expressions to show agreement

Repeating what the student says to confirm understanding

Which two of the following are distinguishing characteristics of interdisciplinary instruction?

combines knowledge and skills associated with two or more content areas

uses teams of teachers to plan lessons, deliver instruction, and create assessments

During back-to-school night, a teacher shares strategies parents can use to support students' understanding and application of skills taught in class. The teacher is involving parents by sharing information about

A.valuing education
B.establishing home/school partnerships
C.reinforcing learning
D.building students' study skills

reinforcing learning

Before third graders read a text on tornadoes, their teacher distributes K-W-L charts and asks them to fill in the "K" column. The purpose of having students complete the "K" column is to prompt them to

A.identify the text structure
B.monitor their level of comprehension
C.respond to the text
D.activate their prior knowledge

activate prior knowledge

Which of the following is a teachers best course of action when a sixth-grade student answers a question incorrectly?

Asking the student a probing question to understand the students reason for the response

A fourth grade teacher wants to evaluate students' analyses of plot structure in a chapter book the class has just read. Which of the following assessments is the teachers best choice?

extended constructed response

Which of the following best describes the scope and sequence of a curriculum guide?

the content and the order in which it will be presented

Which of the following is the most appropriate use of an analytical checklist for assessment in the classroom

Monitoring student success at completing a multistep project

A fourth grade teacher is preparing a lesson on reading historical maps. Which of the following questions requires students to use higher-level thinking?

Why did people build cities where they did?

A fourth-grade teacher places students in small groups. Each group receives a soil sample from a geographic region of the united states. The teacher instructs students to examine the sample and note its characteristics. Students then study various geographic regions, including each regions vegetation, animal life, minerals, and natural resources. the teacher challenges students to use the information they have found about the sample and each region to hypothesize the samples origin. The activity is an example of which of the following instructional models?


A first grade teacher observes that Darren has difficulty acquiring new skills, struggles to communicate his needs, and requires assistance putting on his coat and going through the cafeteria line. The teacher plans to refer Darren for evaluation for special education services to address a possible

intellectual disability

A curriculum director asks the sixth-grade teaching team to evaluate new mathematics textbooks for possible purchase. When the team reviews the textbooks, it is most important for team members to consider the

vertical alignment of the curricular content

For which of the following assignments is a rubric the most appropriate method of assessment?

A fifth graders presentation on a science experiment

A fourth grade class contains several students who are reading below grade level. Which of the following is the best activity for improving their reading fluency and comprehension?

Participating in readers theater

Which of the following assessments is most likely to be criterion referenced?

A chapter test from a textbook

A teacher reviewing students' Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) notes that one student has been diagnosed with dysgraphia. The teacher can anticipate that the student will need additional support when


A teacher reviews the records of a second grader transferring from another school. The records show that the student received a stanine score of 5 in mathematics on the most recent standardized test. Which of the following does the score indicate about the students performance on the test?

The student preformed on a second-grade level

Third grade students are having trouble accepting that negative 2 is greater than negative 5 because their second-grade teacher taught them that the higher the number, the greater the value. The students are struggling to accept this mathematical principle because they are most likely experiencing

Cognitive dissonance

Which of the following statements is most appropriate for an educator's reflective journal?

I think my conferences with students will be more effective if i spend more time listening and asking questions

Which of the following is the best assessment for a teacher to use to quantify students' specific strengths and weaknesses in reading?

Running Records

In Goss vs Lopez, the Supreme Court ruled that students are entitled to a hearing prior to or closely following a school suspension. The courts ruling upholds students' right to

Due process

Madeline scored in the 77th percentile in mathematics on a standardized assessment. Which of the following is the best way to explain her score to her parents?

A.She scored equal to or better than 77 percent of other students in her peer group.
B.She answered 77 items correctly out of a possible 100.
C.She received the 77th highest score in a set of 100 peers.
D.The average score of students in her peer group is 77 percent correct.

She scored equal to or better than 77 percent of other students in her peer group

Which of the following is the most effective action a teacher can take to nurture students self esteem?

Giving specific and genuine praise

A technology education teacher demonstrates that safe use of a sanding machine as students watch. Which of the following concepts of social learning theory is the teacher using?


Which of the following statements by a fifth grader best exemplifies attribution?

"I am late to class because the hallways were crowded"

A middle school science teacher analyzes student performance on a test on energy resources. The analysis reveals that almost every student incorrectly answered the questions on solar energy. Which of the following is the teaches best response to the analysis of student test results?

Reteaching the content on solar energy in a different way

A fourth grade teacher is seeking information about research based strategies for improving student reading comprehension of informational texts. Which of the following is the best professional-development activity for the teacher to pursue?

Consulting an academic journal in the field of reading

Ms. Kahn wants to further her teaching career by acquiring new knowledge and skills, qualifying for career advancement and earning higher pay. She can best achieve her goal by

Pursuing a postgraduate degree

Which of the following learning theories is a physical education teacher applying by pairing less skilled players with more skilled players for tennis practice?

Social development

Which of the following is a teachers best strategy for increasing the number of students who participated in class discussions and improving the quality of their responses?

Increasing the wait time between asking a question and selecting a student to answer

The following is a goal statement written by a third grade student.

I will try harder in math. I will do better on Friday math quizzes. I will raise the grade on my next report card from a C to. B.

A teacher can best improve the goal by recommending that the student

Make the goal more specific

Ms. Blaine wants to introduce students to peer assessment. She plans to begin by asking students to brainstorm criteria for evaluating each other's work. She then plans to give students time to apply the criteria to a partner's work as she provides feedback about how well the students are doing. Finally, she and the students will talk about how they can improve their peer assessment in the future. Which of the following changes will best improve Ms. Blaine's lesson?

A.Determining the criteria for peer assessment herself and presenting it to students
B.Allowing students to independently develop future goals for improvement
C.Adding a step where students practice applying criteria to sample work
D.Withholding feedback about student performance until the end of the lesson

Adding step where students practice applying criteria to sample work

A teacher reviews the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of a new student and notes that the student receives services from an occupational therapist. Based on this provision of the IEP, the teacher can expect that the student

struggles with fine motor skills

In operant conditioning, the most effective schedule of reinforcement to use when a student is first learning behavior is


Which of the following laws requires teachers to consult a students IEP when planning instructional strategies, activities, resources, and assessments?

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Library media specialists in a school setting are primarily responsible for

A.selecting and organizing the resources teachers use in instruction
B.facilitating collaboration among teachers
C.supporting the development of information and technological literacy
D.teaching students sequential library and study skills

supporting the development of information and technology

At the conclusion of a unit on electing a president, a teacher plans to use a performance assessment to test student understanding of the unit. Which of the following student tasks is the teacher's best choice?

A.Writing and delivering a campaign speech
B.Making a map showing the number of electoral delegates from each state
C.Researching and writing the biography of a US president
D.Participating in a mock election

Participating in a mock election

Erik Erikson theorized that humans progress through eight stages of development in which of the following domains?


Which of the following teacher actions best supports an adolescent female student's acceptance of and comfort with being intellectually gifted

Exposing the student to role models through mentorships and internships

A fifth-grade science teacher is preparing a unit on biodiversity. Which of the following is the best initial action the teacher can take to support the learning of English-language learners in the class?

A.Pairing the English-language learners with English-speaking partners for help with reading and writing assignments
B.Preparing an alternate unit for the English-language learners that has less complex learning objectives
C.Preteaching content-related vocabulary to the English-language learners before each lesson
D.Placing the English-language learners in a group that is taught separately by a paraprofessional

Preteaching content-related vocabulary to the english-language learners before each lesson

When structuring reading groups according to student level of ability, which of the following is the best practice?

A.Making sure that groups are composed of students with a similar level of ability
B.Making sure that each group has a mix of students with low, average, or high levels of ability
C.Basing students' placement on their most recent reading assessment
D.Basing students' placement on the text they have chosen, regardless of its difficulty level

Basing students placement on their most recent reading assessment

A teacher observes that a fifth grader has frequent tantrums that include foot stamping and spitting. The behavior indicates atypical development in which of the following domains?


Which of the following group configurations best promotes student participation?

Think pair share

A teacher observes that Ryan is distracted and inattentive during lessons but receives the highest scores in the class on tests. To best help Ryan, the teacher should consult which of the following people?

Gifted education teacher

Which of the following describes the most effective teacher-parent collaboration for supporting student success?

The teacher meets with parents to devise a strategy for helping a student who struggles with spelling

At the beginning of the school year, a teacher puts students in small groups to discuss and recommend a list of classroom rules. which of the following is most likely the purpose of the activity?

Increasing student motivation to adhere to the rules

A teacher prompts students to monitor their comprehension and self-correct as they read aloud. Which of the following skills is the teacher encouraging?

A.Transferring knowledge
B.Building schemata
C.Practicing metacognition
D.Developing self-regulation

Practicing metacognition

A family and consumer science teacher is planning students first food preparation lab of the year. One of the students in the class has mild dyslexia. In which of the following parts of the lab is the student most likely to need support?

Reading the recipe

The primary benefit of using scoring guides for student assessment is that

Teachers have an evaluative standard that promotes consistent scoring

A student who was successful in elementary school experiences academic, behavioral, and social difficulties upon entering middle school. Which of the following school staff members is best equipped to determine the cause of the students difficulties and recommend actions to address them?

School counselor

Several weeks after completing a unit on butterflies, a teacher asks students to recall information about the life cycle of butterflies. The teacher reminds the students about the bulletin board they created on this topic. Which of the following types of memory is the teacher prompting students to use?


Which of the following pairs of terms best describes the focus of standards-based education?

Expectations and accountability

At the conclusion of a lesson, a teacher asks students to write down an aspect of the lesson they would like to know more about. The teacher is most likely using this questioning technique to

Stimulate students to pursue knowledge on their own

Ms. Campbell is teaching a lesson on civic engagement to a sixth-grade class. When discussing voting responsibilities, one student asks, "Why should we vote at all?" Seeing an opportunity to expand the discussion, Ms. Campbell describes the struggles people have faced to gain the right to vote. Which of the following best identifies Ms. Campbell's action?

A.Teaching content explicitly
B.Allowing students to learn from each other
C.Monitoring and adjusting instruction
D.Taking advantage of a teachable moment

Taking advantage of a teachable moment

Avery, a first grader, performs at grade level on classroom reading assessments, yet a standardized assessment indicates she is in the 30th percentile for reading for her grade. Her parents are concerned about the discrepancy in test scores. Which of the following is the teacher's best response to the parents' concern?

A.Avery's scores indicate she is a likely candidate for special education services.
B.Avery's level of performance in reading cannot be determined by a single test score.
C.Avery will benefit from one-on-one tutoring with a reading specialist.
D.Avery needs to learn strategies for reducing test anxiety.

Avery's level of performance in reading cannot be determined by a single test score

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Six months ago, Carlos emigrated from Spain to the United States. Although fluent in English and an honor student in Spain, Carlos has had difficulty completing his assignments since moving to the United States. His parents don’t understand why he is not succeeding like he did in his last school. Carlos has quit participating in family traditions. Explain how each of the following psychological perspectives might explain Carlos’ behavior: Psychodynamic, Cognitive.

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As part of a sleep study, researchers notice bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain-wave activity called _____ and determine that Jane is in NREM-2 sleep. a. hallucinations. b. circadian rhythms. c. alpha waves d. sleep spindles. e. delta waves.

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The Freudian concept of the ego is best described as a. operating on the reality principle. b. operating on the pleasure principle. c. focusing solely on the morality of an issue. d. the repression of disturbing thoughts. e. striving for perfection.

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Why might a teacher chose to use an analytic rubric for his her students oral presentation?

Analytic rubrics are therefore promising formats to provide specific feedback on oral presentations, because they can demonstrate the relations between subskills and explain the open-endedness of ideal presentations (through textual descriptions and their graphical design).

What are the benefits of using a rubric?

Benefits of using rubrics.
Help clarify vague, fuzzy goals..
Help students understand your expectations..
Help students self-improve..
Inspire better student performance..
Make scoring easier and faster..
Make scoring more accurate, unbiased, and consistent..
Improve feedback to students..
Reduce arguments with students..

What are the importance of scoring rubrics in assessing the performance of the students?

Why are rubrics important? Rubrics are important because they clarify for students the qualities their work should have. This point is often expressed in terms of students understanding the learning target and criteria for success.

How rubrics can be used to evaluate students learning in the classroom?

Rubrics facilitate peer-review by setting evaluation standards. Have students use the rubric to provide peer assessment on various drafts. Students can use them for self-assessment to improve personal performance and learning. Encourage students to use the rubrics to assess their own work.


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