You paid $25 for a concert ticket and received a consumer surplus of $10. you were willing to pay $




! What is Economics?




! What is Economics?



! Resource Allocation for Consumers



! Resource Allocation for Firms



! Changes in Demand and Movements

along Demand Curve



! Cost and Benefit Optimization for




! Decision Making Relationships: Rational




! Changes in Supply and Movements along

Supply Curve



! Market Equilibrium



! Resource Allocation for Firms



! Market Equilibrium




! Cost and Benefit Optimization for





! Decision Making Relationships: Rational




! Cost and Benefit Optimization for



18/20 " that's 90%

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Milestone scores like this you'll pass

the course.

!18 questions were answered correctly.

2 questions were answered


Which of the following is true about the field

of economics?

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Which of the following combinations contains

both an intermediate good and a final good?

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Which of the following would a student of

macroeconomics NOT study?

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Which choice below is a factor in the process

of resource allocation for consumers?

Report an issue with this question

Bob opens a new diner and has to make many

decisions about the resources he is going to


Which of the following combinations is

NOT correct?

Report an issue with this question

When the small town where Grand Vacations

was located experienced an increase in its

unemployment rate, the travel agency, whose

prices remained constant, saw a decline in the

number of customers seeking its services.

Which of the economic principles below is

being demonstrated in this example?

Report an issue with this question

A firm trying to maximize profit will produce

up to the point that marginal revenue is


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Determine which of the following is an

example of opportunity cost.

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Movement along the supply curve is most

likely caused by which of the following?

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Joe paid $5,000 for a used car, but he was

willing to pay as much as $10,000.

Which economic concept below corresponds

to the example above?

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Which statement below is NOT true regarding

short-run and long-run production


Report an issue with this question

Consumer surplus exists in which of the

following situations?

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When Joe went back to college to finish his

degree in Economics, he cut back from full-

time to part-time work at his firm. During this

time, the lease on his SUV ran out and he

leased a smaller compact car as a result.

The smaller compact car is an example of

which type of good?

Report an issue with this question

Tania really enjoyed the salads sold at her

local grocery store, so she purchased five of

them to eat throughout the week. The first

salad is delicious, and Tania eats it quickly,

looking forward to the next one. The second

day, the next salad is also good. By the third

day, some of the ingredients in the next salad

are starting to go bad, and by the fourth day,

Tania cannot bring herself to eat any more and

throws away the remaining salads.

Which statement would be unlikely in

economic terms?

Report an issue with this question

Which of the following is an example of an

inferior good?

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A firm acts as a rational decision maker when

its leaders decide to do which of the


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Alex was shopping for his son's birthday party

and had already purchased $75 worth of

supplies. He was debating whether or not to

spend another $25 for a piñata.

Which statement below best defines marginal


Report an issue with this question

A local supermarket was forced to hold a sale

on beef when they received an extra

shipment of this perishable good. Over the

course of the weekend, the store sold twice

as many packages of ground beef as they

normally do.

This is an example of which economic








































Economics is commonly broken

into Labor Economics and

Consumer Economics


Economics is a social science that

intersects with other fields of



Economics as a field of study was

introduced during the Industrial

Revolution and has not changed

over time


Economics can correctly predict

when a recession is coming and

how long it will last

"Architect and new building


Changes in the overall price level

in an economy over time


How governments can act to

alleviate a recession


The percentage of a nation's

labor force that is employed


How the price of apples aects

the market for oranges


A computer ordering system for

sta is an example of technology.


The restaurant building is an

example of land.


The wait sta is an example of



A brick oven is an example of



Movement along the demand



Movement along the supply


"less than marginal benefit

"greater than marginal cost

"equal to marginal benefit


We have a week of vacation. Let's

go on a Mexican cruise.


If I take a second job, I will have

more money, but less time to

spend with my family.


How many times will I be able to

wear this shirt before it falls apart

or goes out of style?


With my current salary, I can only

aord to spend $500/month on


"Government taxes or subsidies


The standard assumption in

economics is that all factors are

variable in the long-run.


The size of the site of production

is variable in the long-run.


Constraints are variable in the

short-run and fixed in the long-



Changes in production capacity

are more variable in the long-run.


The price of movie tickets falls

and Ralph takes his entire family

to the movies.


Sam decides not to purchase a

new bicycle until the price falls by



Craig is happy to purchase three

DVDs at $15 each.


Sarah is willing to pay the $60

ticket price for an upcoming

concert, but is happy to buy a

ticket from her roommate for $45.


Tania's marginal benefit was

higher for the first two salads

than the third and fourth.


Tania would achieve higher

marginal utility by eating

something other than the fourth



Tania would achieve higher

marginal utility if she purchased

fewer salads.


Tania achieved utility

maximization with her purchase

of five salads.


Every once in a while, Nelly treats

herself to a manicure and

pedicure with a massage.


A famous brand of leather good

produces a handbag that costs as

much as a used car. Although it is

far from cheap, it is one of the

brand's most popular items.


Chris just graduated from college

and sometimes eats ramen

noodles when his finances get

tight. After he gets his paycheck,

he purchases less ramen noodles

as he can aord healthier food.


Very poor people in China

consume a great deal of rice.

When the price of rice rises,

consumption of it may even rise.


Cut hours and workers in order to

minimize costs


Solely using labor in a production

process, rather than a

combination of labor and capital


Entice investors by promising

lower than average returns on



Using all of its resources in order

to maximize production,

regardless of profit


The $100 amount he was

considering spending overall

"The $75 he had already spent


What he will have to give up in

his budget to aord the total bill



When the price of the product is $15 The consumer surplus is?

producer surplus. consumer surplus. When the price of the product is $15, the consumer surplus is: $416 .

What happens to consumer surplus if the price of a good increases quizlet?

As the price of a good rises, consumer surplus decreases, and as the price of a good falls, consumer surplus increases. The difference between the lowest price a firm would be willing to accept and the price it actually receives.

What happens to consumer surplus if the price of a good increases?

Consumer surplus always increases as the price of a good falls and decreases as the price of a good rises. It is depicted visually by economists as the triangular area under the demand curve between the market price and what consumers would be willing to pay.

What is meant by consumer surplus?

Consumers' surplus is a measure of consumer welfare and is defined as the excess of social valuation of product over the price actually paid. It is measured by the area of a triangle below a demand curve and above the observed price.


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