A client with a radial fracture reports itching under the cast what nursing action is appropriate

25.A new nurse asks the charge nurse for assistance in interpreting arterial bloodgases (ABGs) for a client. What acid/base imbalance should the charge nurse tellthe new nurse these ABGs indicate in the client?1. Metabolic acidosis2. Respiratory alkalosis3. Metabolic alkalosis4. Respiratory acidosis5. Uncompensated6. Partially compensated7. Fully compensatedExhibitpH - 7.5PaO2 - 94%PaCO2 - 58HCO3 – 35

3., & 6. Correct: Partially compensated metabolic alkalosis isindicated by these ABGs. The pH is 7.5 (normal 7.35-7.45) which ishigh, which means alkalosis. The PaCO2 is 58 (normal 35-45) whichis high. Greater than 45 is acidosis from too much CO2. The HCO3 is35 (normal 22-26) which is high. A high bicarb level equals alkalosis.The HCO3 matches the pH as both indicate alkalosis. The initialproblem was a kidney problem or metabolic alkalosis. The lungs aretrying to compensate by holding on to more acid. So the correctanswer is partially compensated metabolic alkalosis.1. Incorrect: A pH of greater than 7.45 indicates alkalosis rather thanacidosis. So this option is incorrect.2. Incorrect: The PaCO2 would be low rather than high if the problemwas respiratory alkalosis.4. Incorrect: A pH of greater than 7.45 indicates alkalosis rather thanacidosis. So this option is incorrect.5. Incorrect: If the ABGs indicated that compensation had not begun(uncompensated) then the CO2 would be normal. Since it is high, thelungs are attempting to compensate for the metabolic alkalosisretaining more acid (Decrease breathing to hold on to acid).7. Incorrect: Full compensation does not occur until the pH isnormal. The pH is still abnormal here.You must open the provided exhibit in order to see the ABG results.We know that there is partial compensation going on since the pH,PaCO2, and HCO3 are all abnormal. There are opposites in theoptions. The results are metabolic or respiratory and acidosis oralkalosis. Look at the pH of 7.5 (normal 7.35-7.45) which is high oralkalosis. So options 1 and 4 can be eliminated since these indicateacidosis. Next, look at the PaCO2 of 58 (normal 35-45) which is highor acidosis. Look at the HCO3 of 35 (normal 22-26) which is high oralkalosis. The HCO3 matches the pH as both indicate alkalosis. Sothe correct answer is Option 3: metabolic alkalosis. Since the pH isstill not normal, the client is partially compensated(Option 6).Module 2Module 31.A child with a radial fracture reports itching below the casted area. What is theappropriate nursing action to relieve itching?

A client with a radial fracture reports itching under the cast what nursing action is appropriate

2.Which statements should the nurse include when teaching a client aboutosteomyelitis?

Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on November 01, 2021

Call 911 if:

  • The person is seriously injured.
  • You suspect an injury to the person’s head, neck, or back.
  • Bone is sticking out of the skin.
  • Bleeding doesn't stop after several minutes of firm pressure.
  • Blood spurts from the wound.
  • The arm is numb, white, or blue.
  • There is deformity to the arm.

1. Stop the Bleeding if Necessary

  • Apply firm pressure to the wound area with a clean cloth until bleeding stops.
  • If bone is pushing through skin, do not touch it or try to put it back in place.

2. Reduce Swelling

  • Put a wrapped ice pack or ice in a towel on the arm for a few minutes at a time.
  • Elevate the arm above the heart, if possible.

3. Immobilize Arm

For less serious injuries:

  • Don't try to straighten the arm. Try to keep it still and don't move it.
  • Cut away the sleeve if it cannot be removed without moving the injured arm.
  • If you can without moving the arm, carefully tape it to a rolled-up newspaper or a ruler with first aid tape.
  • Make sure the splint and wrapping aren't cutting off circulation. 

4. See a Health Care Provider Immediately

5. Follow Up

  • The health care provider will likely take X-rays and may apply a cast or splint.
  • Surgery may be needed to reset the bone or realign broken pieces.
  • A bone that has broken through the skin will require cleaning and possibly surgery.

What signs and symptoms should the nurse expect to find during the physical assessment of a client who has a history of rheumatoid arthritis?

Signs and symptoms of RA include: Pain or aching in more than one joint. Stiffness in more than one joint. Tenderness and swelling in more than one joint.

What information should a nurse include when preparing discharge education for a client diagnosed with gastroesophageal?

Discharge Instructions for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Maintain a healthy weight. ... .
Avoid lying down after meals..
Avoid eating late at night..
Elevate the head of your bed by 6 inches. ... .
Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes..
Avoid foods that might irritate your stomach, such as the following:.

What interventions would the nurse initiate to lessen acid reflux?

Encourage small frequent meals of high calories and high protein foods. Small and frequent meals are easier to digest. Instruct to remain in upright position at least 2 hours after meals; avoiding eating 3 hours before bedtime. Helps control reflux and causes less irritation from reflux action into esophagus.

Which postpartum client should the nurse assign to the last private room in the women's health center quizlet?

Which postpartum client should the nurse assign to the last private room in the Women's Health Center? 3. Correct: This pre-eclamptic client delivered 30 hours ago.