In the disciplinary action process, what must occur immediately after management establishes rules

In the disciplinary action process, what must occur immediately after management establishes rules


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Human Resource Management, 13e (Mondy)

Chapter 13 Internal Employee Relations

13.1 Multiple-Choice Questions

1) The key to successful worker retention is to ________.

A) conduct performance appraisals

B) focus on top performers and determine their risk of leaving

C) follow a take-it-or-leave it strategy with employees

D) minimize the risks and rewards of challenging assignments

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The key to successful retention is to focus on top performers and determine

their risk of leaving. Likely, these workers are already being recruited and they probably know

their value in the job market. There will always be opportunities elsewhere for a firm's best


Diff: 2

Chapter: 13

Skill: Concept

LO: 1

2) Approximately ________ U.S. workers depend almost entirely on the continued goodwill of

their employer.

A) two out of every three

B) one out of every two

C) two out of every five

D) four out of every ten

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Notwithstanding various employment standards to avoid that are based on laws,

court decisions, and executive orders, approximately two of every three U.S. workers depend

almost entirely on the continued goodwill of their employer. Individuals falling into this category

are known as "at-will employees."

Diff: 3

Chapter: 13

Skill: Concept

LO: 2

What is the most severe penalty an organization can give to an employee?

Termination: Most severe penalty that an organization can impose on an employee.

What is a typical first response in the progressive discipline system?

What is a typical first response in the progressive discipline system? mediation.

Is grounds for discipline up to and including dismissal?

Any form of retaliation is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal in accordance with the applicable legislation.

What involves invoking a penalty against an employee who fails to meet established standards?

Disciplinary action involves invoking a penalty against an employee who fails to meet organizational standards.