Is any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to a computer system network data and information or processing capability?


  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Malware

    Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and bots are all types of malware that can infect and compromise computers. When these harmful software penetrate into personal computers, businesses, and national security departments serious damages can result. Confidential information can be leaked, intellectual property can be stolen, and financial loss can result. With the sophistication in malware, a new form of war is beginning to be developed. Cyber war and cyber weapons have been developed and deployed by nations across the world.

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  • Computer Security Against Viruses and Hacking

    Through the infection of computer viruses and hacking, the computer’s operating system can malfunction and data’s security becomes vulnerable to loss or theft by hackers. As explained in Catherine LaBerta’s Computers Are Your Future textbook, the operating system (OS) is a “set of programs designed to manage and control the resources of a computer” (Laberta 111). A virus infection can impede operating system from properly function. This usually occurs when the virus is preventing the OS from opening any antivirus software. People often confuse viruses for another type of malware or program such as worms and Trojan horses.

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    • 11 Works Cited

  • What is a virus - computer

    The payload may disrupt or change data files, display an irrelevant or unwanted message, or cause the operating system to malfunction. Computer viruses activate when the instructions-or executable code-that run programs are opened. Once a virus is active, it may replicate by various means and tries to infect the computer's files or the operating system. For example, it may copy parts of itself to floppy disks, to the computer's hard drive, into legitimate computer programs, or it may attach itself to e-mail messages and spread across computer networks by infecting other shared drives. Infection is much more frequent in PCs than in professional mainframe systems because programs on PCs are exchanged primarily by means of floppy disks, e-mail, or over unregulated computer networks.

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  • Vast Security Threats to Personal Computers

    Of all these computers security threats the majority out there are computer viruses. A virus is a program that changes how a computer operates. A virus can replicate and execute itself causi... ... middle of paper ... ...hat uses a computer has some type of computer security related responsibility that we need to be aware of to protect our information from theft. There are numerous websites and publications available to keep users informed on how to keep their information safe from intrusion and how to better protect their computer from running slow, due to viruses and spyware. Keeping up with a good maintenance plan can ensure your computer is running at optimal speed as well as checking and quarantining any possible virus infections.

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  • Computer Viruses

    A computer virus is a software program that affects the computer operation and it can potentially damage the computer. A computer virus is attached to a program or a file which allows it to spread from one computer to another when the program is running. Most of the viruses are attached to an executable file which allows the virus to stay on the computer but cannot do any damage until you open or run the infected program. Viruses are capable of corrupting or deleting data from the computer. They can also infect other computers.

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  • The Importance Of Computer Security

    Computer security for the physical component of computers not only focuses on the human threat. The threat of fire, water, and electrical problems are also present. The software and data on computers can be harmed if the physical component is damaged. Modern protection for these threats include cloud storage, flash drives, external storage devices, and other back up storage for data. Uninterruptable power supplies and power surge protectors are used for security against electrical threats.

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  • The Importance Of Computer Security

    So we need by way of computer security to safeguard our will not get pecuniary loss. What is important for computer security? Computer security is most important on our digital world. This is because, many times computer and network security is not thought about until the problem appear. At this time, the vulnerability could cause huge problems and establishment of a safety plan and emergency plans.

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  • Computer Viruses

    Computer Viruses A computer virus is an illegal and potentially damaging computer program designed to infect other software by attaching itself to any software it contacts. In many cases, virus programs are designed to damage computer systems maliciously by destroying of corrupting data. If the infected software is transferred to or accessed by another computer system, the virus spreads to the other system. Viruses have become a serious problem in recent years, and currently, thousands of known virus programs exist (Reed 85-102)b. Three types of viruses are a boot sector virus, file virus, and Trojan horse virus.

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    • 2 Works Cited

  • How Antivirus Effects Our Lives

    The computer virus infection is small software that can harm your computer; it disrupts computer function, and corrupts and wipes out data. The spread of a virus can occur in numerous ways. Ways that a virus can spread is through the opening of attachments to emails or other kind of messages, through downloading files from the internet, through visiting unknown websites and through installing un-trusted program files. One unique characteristic about a computer virus that differentiates from other malware is that a computer virus can only spread through human action. The computer virus can be on your computer without you knowing and the computer virus is only effective when you click on the infected program.

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  • The Pros And Cons Of Digital Security Risks

    US National Security Agency looks for computer network operators. These people work to defense, attack, and explore network communication. There are some effect of doing so. For instance, the computer worm Stuxnet, which programmed by people work for the US National Security Agency, is malware that infects software and mostly hardware damage. It can ruin the centrifuges.

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Is the defense of digital devices from theft or damage to the hardware software and or data?

Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats. The practice is used by individuals and enterprises to protect against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems.

What is is a group of compromised computers or mobile devices connected to a network?

A botnet is a collection of internet-connected devices, which may include personal computers (PCs), servers, mobile devices and internet of things (IoT) devices, that are infected and controlled by a common type of malware, often unbeknownst to their owner.

Which of the following is someone who uses the Internet or network to destroy or damage computers for political reasons?

Someone who uses the Internet or network to destroy or damage computers for political reasons. The cyber terrorist might target the nations air traffic control, electricity generating companies or a telecommunication infrastructure.

What can damage a computer's hardware?

As a computer virus is only code, it cannot physically damage computer hardware. However, it can create scenarios where hardware or equipment controlled by computers is damaged. For example, a virus may instruct your computer to turn off the cooling fans, causing your computer to overheat and damage its hardware.