Is it common for anthropologists to feel confused and disoriented when they first arrive at their field sites?

Which of the following is an example of how the Gebusi are becoming more contemporary or modern in their own distinct way, like other peoples in the contemporary world?

a. young men have largely deserted the village for outside wage-labor, but their incomes create new economic opportunities for their wives and families back home.

b. they have a strong involvement with their local church, but still value their aesthetic splendor of their traditional costuming and performance, moments in the rainforest, the bonds between kin and friends, and the aesthetic splendor of their traditional costuming and performance

c. the local market now sells sago, kava, Adamei, and transistor radios

d. they have begin to attract tourists by exploring the more exotic and marketable features of their initiation rituals.

What challenges do anthropologists face in their field of study?

Anthropologists in the field are likely to face a host of challenges—physical, social, mental, political, and ethical. They may have to deal with the physical challenge of adjusting to unaccustomed food, climate, and hygiene conditions.

What do anthropologists need to be aware of as they study in their field?

Anthropologists take a broad approach to understanding the many different aspects of the human experience, which we call holism. They consider the past, through archaeology, to see how human groups lived hundreds or thousands of years ago and what was important to them.

What is the main concern of an anthropologist?

In a general sense, anthropology is concerned with determining what humans are, how they evolved, and how they differ from one another. The study of anthropology is often divided into three subdisciplines: archaeology, biological anthropology, and cultural anthropology.

Why is it important for anthropologists to write about their experiences in the field?

They observe how people interact with each other, how the environment affects people, and how people affect the environment. It is essential for anthropologists to rigorously document their observations, usually by writing field notes and recording their feelings and perceptions in a personal journal or diary.