Shots fired bedeutung

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shots fired

  1. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: (especially law enforcement) indicates that a firearm has been discharged in the vicinity of the speaker.
  2. (idiomatic, slang) Used to indicate that one finds a statement or action derisive or combative.
    • 2016, Lisa Glass, Blue, unnumbered page: I look at them. They're the boards of a novice-recently-turned-intermediate surfer.'Does Garrett have any boards in the van?''Ooh, shots fired. What's wrong with my boards, eh?'
    • 2017, Gabe Vodicka, in "Songs of Protest, Songs of Hope", Salt Lake City Weekly, 9 November 2017, page 16: Shots fired! Lonely Horse came out guns-a-blazing with the track "Devil in the White House."
    • 2018, T. C. Britton, "Drake vs. Pusha-T: The Beef", CityBeat, 6 June 2018 - 12 June 2018, page 4: Drake clapped back less than 24 hours later with "Duppy Freestyle," in which he talked about once being a fan of Pusha's, called out "Infrared" producer Kanye West and warned that he'll be sending an invoice for all this extra publicity he's giving Pusha and his new album. And Drake really did send the record label an invoice for "promotional assitance and career reviving" with a $100,000 fee the next day. Shots fired!
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:shots fired.

See also[edit]

  • gloves are off
  • them's fightin' words


  • English terms with audio links
  • English lemmas
  • English interjections
  • English multiword terms
  • en:Law enforcement
  • English idioms
  • English slang


Shots fired bedeutung

  • Thai

  • Englisch (US)

What does 'shots fired' mean? Please, give me some examples.

Wenn du eine Antwort mit "Gefällt mir nicht" markierst

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Shots fired bedeutung

  • Englisch (US)
  • Spanisch (Mexiko) Fast fließend

it is a slang after someone has put someone down using a joke or an insult. It is a bit hard to explain.

Shots fired bedeutung

  • Englisch (US)

if someone insults someone in a clever way, people will say "shots fired". signifies a good burn/insult

Shots fired bedeutung

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Shots fired bedeutung

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