The goal of the structure shown in this table is to make federal income taxes

Table of Contents

  • Income Tax Act
    • 1 - Short Title
    • 2 - PART I - Income Tax
      • 2 - DIVISION A - Liability for Tax
      • 3 - DIVISION B - Computation of Income
        • 3 - Basic Rules
        • 5 - SUBDIVISION A - Income or Loss from an Office or Employment
          • 5 - Basic Rules
          • 6 - Inclusions
          • 8 - Deductions
        • 9 - SUBDIVISION B - Income or Loss from a Business or Property
          • 9 - Basic Rules
          • 12 - Inclusions
          • 18 - Deductions
          • 22 - Ceasing to carry on business
          • 26 - Special Cases
        • 38 - SUBDIVISION C - Taxable Capital Gains and Allowable Capital Losses
          • 47.1 - Indexed Security Investment Plans
        • 56 - SUBDIVISION D - Other Sources of Income
          • 56.4 - Restrictive Covenants
        • 60 - SUBDIVISION E - Deductions in Computing Income
        • 67 - SUBDIVISION F - Rules Relating to Computation of Income
        • 81 - SUBDIVISION G - Amounts Not Included in Computing Income
        • 82 - SUBDIVISION H - Corporations Resident in Canada and their Shareholders
          • 86.1 - Foreign Spin-offs
        • 90 - SUBDIVISION I - Shareholders of Corporations Not Resident in Canada
        • 96 - SUBDIVISION J - Partnerships and their Members
        • 104 - SUBDIVISION K - Trusts and their Beneficiaries
      • 110 - DIVISION C - Computation of Taxable Income
        • 110.2 - Lump-sum Payments
      • 115 - DIVISION D - Taxable Income Earned in Canada by Non-Residents
        • 115.2 - Non-Residents with Canadian Investment Service Providers
      • 117 - DIVISION E - Computation of Tax
        • 117 - SUBDIVISION A - Rules Applicable to Individuals
          • 117.1 - Annual Adjustment of Deductions and Other Amounts
          • 120.31 - Lump-sum Payments
          • 120.4 - Tax on Split Income
        • 122.6 - SUBDIVISION A.1 - Canada Child Benefit
        • 122.7 - SUBDIVISION A.2 - Canada Workers Benefit
        • 122.8 - SUBDIVISION A.3 - Climate Action Incentive
        • 122.9 - SUBDIVISION A.4 - School Supplies Tax Credit
        • 122.91 - SUBDIVISION A.5 - Canada Training Credit
        • 123 - SUBDIVISION B - Rules Applicable to Corporations
          • 123.4 - Corporation Tax Reductions
          • 125.4 - Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit
          • 125.5 - Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit
        • 126 - SUBDIVISION C - Rules Applicable to all Taxpayers
          • 127.43 - COVID-19 – Air Quality Improvement Tax Credit
      • 127.5 - DIVISION E.1 - Minimum Tax
      • 128 - DIVISION F - Special Rules Applicable in Certain Circumstances
        • 128 - Bankruptcies
        • 128.1 - Changes in Residence
        • 129 - Private Corporations
        • 130 - Investment Corporations
        • 130.1 - Mortgage Investment Corporations
        • 131 - Mutual Fund Corporations
        • 132 - Mutual Fund Trusts
        • 133 - Non-Resident-Owned Investment Corporations
        • 135 - Patronage Dividends
        • 135.1 - Agricultural Cooperatives — Tax-deferred Patronage Dividends
        • 135.2 - Continuance of the Canadian Wheat Board
        • 136 - Cooperative Corporations
        • 137 - Credit Unions, Savings and Credit Unions and Deposit Insurance Corporations
        • 138 - Insurance Corporations
        • 139.1 - Demutualization of Insurance Corporations
        • 142.2 - Financial Institutions
          • 142.2 - Interpretation
          • 142.3 - Income from Specified Debt Obligations
          • 142.4 - Disposition of Specified Debt Obligations
          • 142.5 - Mark-to-Market Properties
          • 142.6 - Additional Rules
          • 142.7 - Conversion of Foreign Bank Affiliate to Branch
          • 143 - Communal Organizations
        • 143.2 - Cost of Tax Shelter Investments and Limited-recourse Debt in Respect of Gifting Arrangements
        • 143.3 - Expenditure — Limitations
        • 143.4 - Expenditure — Limit for Contingent Amount
      • 144 - DIVISION G - Deferred and Other Special Income Arrangements
        • 144 - Employees Profit Sharing Plans
        • 144.1 - Employee Life and Health Trust
        • 145 - Registered Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plans
        • 146 - Registered Retirement Savings Plans
        • 146.01 - Home Buyers’ Plan
        • 146.02 - Lifelong Learning Plan
        • 146.1 - Registered Education Savings Plans
        • 146.2 - Tax-free Savings Accounts
        • 146.3 - Registered Retirement Income Funds
        • 146.4 - Registered Disability Savings Plan
        • 146.5 - Advanced Life Deferred Annuity
        • 147 - Deferred Profit Sharing Plans
        • 147.1 - Registered Pension Plans
        • 147.5 - Pooled Registered Pension Plans
        • 148 - Life Insurance Policies
        • 148.1 - Eligible Funeral Arrangements
      • 149 - DIVISION H - Exemptions
        • 149 - Miscellaneous Exemptions
        • 149.1 - Qualified Donees
      • 150 - DIVISION I - Returns, Assessments, Payment and Appeals
        • 150 - Returns
        • 151 - Estimate of Tax
        • 152 - Assessment
        • 153 - Payment of Tax
        • 161 - Interest
        • 161.1 - Offset of Refund Interest and Arrears Interest
        • 161.3 - Small Amounts Owing
        • 162 - Penalties
        • 163.2 - Misrepresentation of a Tax Matter by a Third Party
        • 164 - Refunds
        • 165 - Objections to Assessments
        • 166 - General
        • 168 - Revocation of Registration of Certain Organizations and Associations
          • 168.1 - Designation of Qualified Canadian Journalism Organizations
      • 169 - DIVISION J - Appeals to the Tax Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Appeal
    • 180.01 - PART I.01 - Tax in Respect of Stock Option Benefit Deferral
    • 180.1 - PART I.1 - Individual Surtax
    • 180.2 - PART I.2 - Tax on Old Age Security Benefits
    • 181 - PART I.3 - Tax on Large Corporations
    • 182 - PART II - [Repealed, 2017, c. 20, s. 27]
    • 183.1 - PART II.1 - Tax on Corporate Distributions
    • 184 - PART III - Additional Tax on Excessive Elections
    • 185.1 - PART III.1 - Additional Tax on Excessive Eligible Dividend Designations
    • 186 - PART IV - Tax on Taxable Dividends Received by Private Corporations
    • 187.1 - PART IV.1 - Taxes on Dividends on Certain Preferred Shares Received by Corporations
    • 187.7 - PART V - Tax and Penalties in Respect of Qualified Donees
    • 190 - PART VI - Tax on Capital of Financial Institutions
      • 190.1 - Calculation of Capital Tax
      • 190.2 - Administrative Provisions
    • 191 - PART VI.1 - Tax on Corporations Paying Dividends on Taxable Preferred Shares
    • 192 - PART VII - Refundable Tax on Corporations Issuing Qualifying Shares
    • 194 - PART VIII - Refundable Tax on Corporations in Respect of Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit
    • 196 - PART IX - Tax on Deduction Under Section 66.5
    • 197 - PART IX.1 - Tax on Sift Partnerships
    • 198 - PART X - Taxes on Deferred Profit Sharing Plans and Revoked Plans
    • 204.1 - PART X.1 - Tax in Respect of Over-contributions to Deferred Income Plans
    • 204.4 - PART X.2 - Tax in Respect of Registered Investments
    • 204.8 - PART X.3 - Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations
    • 204.9 - PART X.4 - Tax in Respect of Overpayments to Registered Education Savings Plans
    • 204.94 - PART X.5 - Payments Under Registered Education Savings Plans
    • 205 - PART XI - Tax in Respect of Advanced Life Deferred Annuity
    • 207.01 - PART XI.01 - Taxes in Respect of Registered Plans
    • 207.1 - PART XI.1 - Tax in Respect of Deferred Income Plans and Other Tax Exempt Persons
    • 207.3 - PART XI.2 - Tax in Respect of Dispositions of Certain Properties
    • 207.5 - PART XI.3 - Tax in Respect of Retirement Compensation Arrangements
    • 207.8 - PART XI.4 - Tax on Excess EPSP Amounts
    • 207.9 - PART XI.5 - Tax in Respect of Employee Life and Health Trust
    • 208 - PART XII - Tax in Respect of Certain Royalties, Taxes, Lease Rentals, Etc., Paid to a Government by a Tax Exempt Person
    • 209 - PART XII.1 - Tax on Carved-out Income
    • 210 - PART XII.2 - Tax on Designated Income of Certain Trusts
    • 211 - PART XII.3 - Tax on Investment Income of Life Insurers
    • 211.6 - PART XII.4 - Tax on Qualifying Environmental Trusts
    • 211.7 - PART XII.5 - Recovery of Labour-sponsored Funds Tax Credit
    • 211.91 - PART XII.6 - Tax on Flow-through Shares
    • 212 - PART XIII - Tax on Income from Canada of Non-resident Persons
    • 218.2 - PART XIII.1 - Additional Tax on Authorized Foreign Banks
    • 218.3 - PART XIII.2 - Non-resident Investors in Canadian Mutual Funds
    • 219 - PART XIV - Additional Tax on Non-resident Corporations
    • 220 - PART XV - Administration and Enforcement
      • 220 - Administration
      • 222 - Collection
      • 230 - General
      • 238 - Offences and Punishment
      • 244 - Procedure and Evidence
    • 244.1 - PART XV.1 - Reporting of Electronic Funds Transfer
    • 245 - PART XVI - Tax Avoidance
    • 247 - PART XVI.1 - Transfer Pricing
    • 248 - PART XVII - Interpretation
    • 263 - PART XVIII - Enhanced International Information Reporting
    • 270 - PART XIX - Common Reporting Standard
    • SCHEDULE - Listed Corporations
  • Related Provisions
  • Amendments Not In Force

Amendment Citation Amendment date
2022, c. 14 2022-11-17
2022, c. 13 2022-10-18
2022, c. 10 2022-09-01
2022, c. 10 2022-07-01
2022, c. 10 2022-06-23
2022, c. 5 2022-06-09
2021, c. 26 2021-12-17
2021, c. 23 2021-07-01
2021, c. 21 2021-06-29
2021, c. 23 2021-06-29

* List of amendments since 2019-01-01 (limited to last 10 amendments) [more details]

  • Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982 
  • Income Tax Regulations 
  • Proclamation Fixing Valuation Days 

How is the federal income tax structured?

In 2022, the individual income tax system has seven marginal income tax rates: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37%. 35 These marginal income tax rates are applied to taxable income to arrive at a taxpayer's gross income tax liability. 36 Threshold levels associated with the rate brackets depend on filing status.

What type of tax structure is the federal government?

Federal income taxes are considered a marginal tax or progressive tax and apply to all forms of earnings that make up a taxpayer's taxable income, including wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, tips, investment income, and certain types of unearned income.

How is the US federal income tax structured quizlet?

How is the U.S. federal income tax structured? The rate at which income is taxed increases as income increases.

What was the purpose of the income tax quizlet?

Income taxes are a source of revenue for governments. They are used to fund public services, pay government obligations.