The ____ parenting style can be described as highly controlling but low in warmth.

A function of the family that pertains to ensuring the survival of offspring by providing for their needs. 

A function of the family that pertains to providing the means for children to acquire the skills and other resources they need to be economically productive as adults. 

A function of the family that pertains to teaching children the basic values in their culture

The way in which the family operates as a whole.

Parenting behaviours and attitudes that set the emotional climate in regard to parent-child interactions, such as parental responsiveness and demandingness. 

A parenting style that is high in demandingness and supportiveness. Authoritative parents set clear standards and limits for their children and are firm bout reinforcing them; at the same time, they allow their children considerable autonomy within those limits, are attentive and responsive to their children's concerns and needs, ad respect and consider their children's perspective. 

A parenting style that is high in demandingness and low in responsiveness. Authoritarian parents are non responsive to their children's needs and tend to enforce their demand through the exercise of parent power and the use of threats and punishment. They are oriented toward obedience authority and expert their children to comply with their demand without question or explanation. 

A parenting style that is high in responsiveness but low in demandingness. Permissive parents are responsive to their children's need and do not require their children to regulate themselves or act in appropriate or mature ways. 

Rejecting-neglectful (disengaged) parenting

A parenting style that is low in both responsiveness and demandingness. Rejecting-neglectful parents do not set limits for or monitor their children's behaviour, are not supportive of them, and sometimes are rejectful or neglectful. They tend to be focused on their own needs rather than their children's.

Bidirectionality of parent-child interactions

The idea that parents and their children are mutually affected by each other's characteristics and behaviours. 

What 3 goals do families serve with respect to child rearing?

1. Helping offspring survive 2. Teaching them the skills they will need to be economically productive as adults 3. Teaching them the value of the culture

How is it that a family fulfills its function depending on the family dynamic?

All the family members influence one another and the nature of their interactions shape children's development

How do parents socialize their children's development though ____ instruction?

Direct. - through their modelling of skills, attitudes, and behaviour, and through the managing of children's experiences and social lives

What parenting style is associating with low social class?

____ typically interact with their children much more than ____ do, and ___ play tends to be more physical

Siblings get along better if they have a good relationship with their ____

Mothers who delay ____ tend to be more responsive with their children and to enjoy mother hood 

What is the major contributing factor to negative outcomes for children of divorce?

Hostile, dysfunctional family interactions, including continuing conflict between ex-spouses

Is there evidence that children raised by lesbian or gay parents differ from other children?

Child care is associated with a small increase in ____ problem behaviour for working and middle class children but may be associated with improvements in adjustment for ___ income children

Which of the following is a true statement about the association between SES and mother-child communication?

Select one: a. Higher-SES mothers talk more with their children than do lower-SES mothers. b. Lower-SES mothers talk more with their children than do higher-SES mothers. c. Lower-SES mothers elicit more talk from their children  than do higher-SES mothers. d. Higher-SES mothers and lower SES mothers do not differ in the amount they talk to their children

Parents who are high in warmth and low in control are considered to exhibit which of the following parenting styles?

Select one: a. permissive b. authoritative c. rejecting-neglecting d. authoritarian Feedback

Compared to younger mothers, older mothers:

Select one: a. are less satisfied with their role as parents. b. have more financial resources. c. display less positive emotion with their babies. d. experience more stress. Feedback

In which of the following age groups are youth most likely to blame themselves for divorce?

Select one: a. younger children b. older children c. young adolescents d. older adolescents Feedback

Which of the following is NOT an example of psychological control?

Select one: a. discounting children's feelings b. withdrawing love and attention when children behave poorly c. threatening children with physical punishment for noncompliance d. belittling children's worth

Which of the following is a true statement about children and stepfathers?

Select one: a. Relationships between children and stepfathers tend to be particularly bad when all of the children are full siblings. b. Conflict between children and biological fathers is more common than conflict between children and stepfathers. c. Over time, children often become as close to their stepfathers as to their nonresidential biological fathers. d. Noncustodial parents do not tend to contribute to children's conflict with their stepfathers.

Which of the following is an example of a parent's direct socialization of modesty?

Select one: a. Abigail (the mother) dresses in reserved clothing. b. Judith signs her child up for a class at the local church c. Jonathon explains to his child how important it is to have respect for oneself and one's appearance. d. All of the above are examples of a parent's direct socialization of modesty.

The large-scale study of the effects of child care that was funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Development has demonstrated that which of the following is the most important predictor of how children in nonmaternal care fare?

Select one: a. quantity of child care b. stability of child care c. family characteristics d. age at which child care began

What parenting style can be described as highly controlling but low in warmth?

Parenting styles have been characterized as authoritarian (high control, low warmth), authoritative (high control, high warmth), permissive (low control, high warmth), and neglectful (low control, low warmth).

Which type of parents are characterized as being responsive warm and accepting of their children but impose few rules and rarely punish their children?

Permissive Parenting Their discipline style is the opposite of strict. They have limited or no rules and mostly let children figure problems out on their own. Communication is open but these parents let children decide for themselves rather than giving direction. Parents in this category tend to be warm and nurturing.

What are the 4 types of parenting styles psychology quizlet?

Authoritarian Parenting..
Authoritative Parenting..
Permissive Parenting..
Uninvolved Parenting..

What are the two dimensions of stable parental behavior?

The two stable dimensions of parental behavior discussed in your text are level of control, and provision of needed essentials. The prognosis for children who are mistreated is not good, as they can experience physical, social, and/or emotional damage.


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