What are the physical components in operating elements of an information system?

The components of an information system are those that allow the entry, processing, output and storage of data that are of general interest or a particular public.

An information system is made up of a set of elements that work together to achieve a common objective (to satisfy a need for information), and are directed to the use and administration of information.

What are the physical components in operating elements of an information system?

Consequently, they are responsible for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data (information).

Information systems are constituted by the hardware , software, data, people and communication networks.

However, some authors point out some additional components such as processes and peripheral devices.

At present many companies, organizations and / or institutions have decided to implement the use of information systems, since they facilitate their operation.

Main elements of an information system

To create an information system it is necessary to make all its components work 100%, in order to provide complete and reliable information while meeting the needs of users.

The hardware

Hardware is the component of the information system that represents an input, storage and data output technology. That is, all the physical devices used to process the information.

The hardware in turn consists of the CPU (Central Processing Unit) and the main memory.

The main memory is the one where the data and programs that will be processed by the CPU are stored. It is made up of RAM and ROM.

In the ROM memory are all programs and data that have not been executed and in RAM are the programs already executed.

The software

The software is made up of the set of programs that make up the operating system and all the programs that are related to the storage and processing of data.

Consequently, it is said that it is divided into system software and application software.

Peripheral Devices

Peripheral devices are all those elements that can be wired or wirelessly connected to the CPU.

They are divided according to their function into storage devices, input devices and output devices.

Storage devices

Storage devices are the ones used to store the information. They allow you to create a backup and so if necessary you could delete the information from the PC without worry.

Storage devices also allow you to carry information easily without having to carry the computer. These include removable storage drives.

Input devices

The input devices are those that serve both to enter data and to make the computer perform its functions.

Input devices include the mouse, the keyboard, the scanner, and more.

Output devices

The output devices are those that are used so that the information is projected outwards. Among them are the printer, the video beam, the monitor, among others.

The data

The data are made up of the registration of all the facts that are of interest of the user towards whom the information system is directed.

With the data is created what is called"information", since it is simply the representation of the data set properly processed.

Communication networks

Communication networks allow teams to connect (ie, computers) and share information between them.

This component works thanks to the coordinated work of three components of the information system, which are: hardware, software and human resources.

The processes

The processes are the set of steps or tasks performed to achieve the objectives.

These are specified in written or video format. An example of these are the manuals for the user.


They are those that interact daily with the information system. On the one hand are the operators or specialists in this type of systems and on the other hand there are the users.

People are a key component of information systems. Thanks to them it is possible that all the components work together.

It also allows the feedback, fundamental aspect to be able to make the necessary improvements and adapt it to the needs of the public.

Influence of software, data and people on information systems

Previously it has been said that the information systems seek to satisfy the need of information that the users have.

This makes them vary according to the target audience. Therefore, it is necessary that the software and the data are in accordance with the need of the user.

In that sense, the information systems can be classified according to the function that they perform in systems of support of operations and systems of support of administration.

Each of these systems loads and processes a specific type of data that influences the functioning of a company.

Each of them is described below.

Operations Support System

This system has as main function to facilitate the activity of an organization or institution, since it allows to keep the database updated, facilitates the commercial transactions and the internal and external communications of the company.

Administration support system

This type of system provides information that can influence the decision making of the managers or administrators of a company.

In this type of system the data varies according to the need of each company.


  1. A highlight of the components of an information system. Retrieved on October 17, 2017, from cortosfera.es
  2. Components of an information system. retrieved on October 17, 2017, from quizlet.com
  3. Information system. Retrieved on October 17, 2017, from wikipedia.org
  4. Information system and its components. Retrieved on October 17, 2017, from research-methodology.net
  5. The four components an information system.Received on October 17, 2017, from opentextbooks.org
  6. Types of information systems. Retrieved on October 17, 2017, from managementstudyguide.com
  7. What is an information system? Retrieved on October 17, 2017, from bus206.pressbooks.com

What are the physical components of information system?

Hardware. Hardware is the tangible, physical portion of an information system – the part you can touch. Computers, keyboards, disk drives, and flash drives are all examples of information systems hardware. How these hardware components function and work together will be covered in Chapter 2.

What are the operating elements of information system?

An information system is described as having five components..
Computer hardware. This is the physical technology that works with information. ... .
Computer software. The hardware needs to know what to do, and that is the role of software. ... .
Telecommunications. ... .
Databases and data warehouses. ... .
Human resources and procedures..

Which is one of the physical components of information system in an Organisation?

Typical components of information systems It has five components – hardware, software, data, and telecommunications. 1. Hardware – This is the physical component of the technology. It includes computers, hard disks, keyboards, iPads, etc.

What are the four main components of an information system?

As discussed before, the first four components of information systems – hardware, software, network communication, and data, are all technologies that must integrate well together.