What is the plot exposition, rising action, climax, falling action resolution of el filibusterismo

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"The plot, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution of noli me tangere:

The Plot:

It was about a young man who studied in Europe and returned to the Philippines by Crisostomo Ibarra. Cap. Tiyago prepare a dinner party for his return. They remember her lover Maria Clara their childhood and romance.Before Ibarra came home, Lt.  Guevarra told his father's case, in whose defense the child was killed by the borrower during the trial of his father's death. Padre Damaso was not yet satisfied, he dug his father's remains but it was raining and thrown into the river. Ibarra was so angry that it was planning a retaliation. He had already killed Padre Damaso but he was prevented by Maria Clara. He is therefore dismissed by the Catholic Church and can not continue the marriage of Maria Clara because his real father is Fr. Damaso. Maria Clara was married to Linares. Ibarra escaped with Elias help, but Elias jumped in the water and the Spaniards thought it was Ibarra so he was shot . He reached the jungle of the Ibarra and died there.


Noli Me Tangere was written by Dr. Jose Rizal to tell the Filipinos about the abuse of the Spaniards.

The Rising Action:

Before Ibarra came home, Lt.  Guevarra told his father's case, in whose defense the child was killed by the borrower during the trial of his father's death. Padre Damaso was not yet satisfied, he dug his father's remains but it was raining and thrown into the river. Ibarra was so angry that it was planning a retaliation.

The Climax:

He had already killed Padre Damaso but he was prevented by Maria Clara. He is therefore dismissed by the Catholic Church and can not continue the marriage of Maria Clara because his real father is Fr. Damaso. Maria Clara was married to Linares.

The Falling Action:

Ibarra escaped with Elias help, but Elias jumped in the water and the Spaniards thought it was Ibarra so he was shot . He reached the jungle of the Ibarra and died there.


This book was written to awaken the Filipinos from the abusive Spaniards. To spread the hate and plot the revenge on how to get rid of the Spaniards in the Philippines.

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What is the exposition rising action climax falling action and resolution of a story?

There are usually considered to be five elements in a plot line: exposition or background information, rising action (that which complicates the story), climax or crisis, falling action, and resolution. The plot describes the structure of a story.

What is rising and falling action and climax in drama?

The Rising Action culminates at the Turning Point where the climax occurs, at which point the conflict is resolved. Then it becomes a Falling Action, where the story starts to wind down and consequences come into play. And finally, it ends in a Resolution, where we see the new “normal” and our characters get closure.

What is the climax of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo?

Climax: He had already killed Padre Damaso but he was prevented by Maria Clara. He is therefore dismissed by the Catholic Church and cannot continue the marriage of Maria Clara because his real father is Fr.

What is the plot of the story rising action?

The rising action is the second of six essential plot elements, which comes right after the opening of a story, otherwise known as the exposition. It is usually made up of a series of events that lay down breadcrumbs, ask questions, and set roadblocks and conflicts that must be overcome.