What tests measure an individuals intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field?

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In the __________, candidates must pass one test for employment before being eligible to move on to the next test


When conducting selection interviews, Conor does not prepare questions. He prefers to greet each job candidate and allow the interview to develop organically. He says he likes to have more of a “conversation” than an interview with each candidate. His questions to each candidate are different. Conor uses a(n) _________ interview.


not probing...not open-ended


What is the main reason to do a background check?


Good job selection is a critical management task because


Bad hires cost time and moneybad hires result in lower productivity

bad hires can be negligent hires


On Monday, Emily gave 10 job applicants a personality test. On Tuesday, her car was stolen with the results of the tests in the trunk. On Wednesday, she gave all the applicants the test again. On Thursday, her car was found and the results of the first tests were still in the trunk. On Friday, Emily compared the results of the first and second tests and found they were almost the same. Emily's personality test appears to have _________.


not construct validity!


Most organizations require all applicants to fill out an application, even if they have provided a resume, because the application generally does all of the following except:


things it does: gives info in standard formlegal disclosuresbasic skill set, background lies... Provides legal information such as employment-at-will language Can request items such as gender and race that are usually not on a resume

Provides information in a standard format


Concern with introversion vs. extroversion is associated with ______________ fit.


Rachel believes that happy workers are more productive. She gives job applicants a test that assigns a happiness score between 1 and 10. Rachel only hires people who score 7 and higher. Austin scored a 6 on the test and was not hired. He complained to Rachel, saying that he is very happy and that her test is no good. What is Austin arguing that the test does not have?


When preparing for the interview, what should be your first step?


What percentage of midsize and large companies use personality and ability assessments to help ensure the right fit between the job candidate and the job? !!!


Privacy laws do not prevent Universities and Colleges from providing the following information to a third party without consent from the job candidate


whether or not they have a degree from the university


What tests measure an individual's intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field?


In what jobs would physical exams be mandatory?


Tony thought the boss would not notice if Tony took a 2-hour lunch break when the work pace was slow. Tony was wrong. The boss was livid and reprimanded Tony in front of the entire team. As a result, Tony always makes sure he is back from his lunch break on-time. What Tony experienced was


The ability to identify your own and others' emotions is called:


After the class, the students were able to serve three more clients per hour than before. Which of Kirkpatrick's levels of evaluation is involved here?


What psychological characteristic determines whether a person believes that he or she has the capability to do something or attain a particular goal?


A growing area for training development is in the area of ethics and social responsibility.


________ identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed in order to perform a particular job in the organization.


______ is the third level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.


1. self actualization2. self-esteem3. love/belonging/social4. safety



An employee makes practical jokes on another employee. To stop the jokes, the “victim” employee stops reacting to them. What behavior shaping was provided here?


advantage of classroom training is it often provides an active environment


Across the street from Bridget's office is a church that rings its steeple bells at noon each day. The bells help Bridget remember to look up from her work and take a lunch break. After years of working next to the church, even when she is buried deep in thought, the church bells make her feel hungry. What Bridget is experiencing is _________.


When Laura started working in the accounting department, she felt like her boss hovered over her all day and constantly double checked her work. As a result, Laura made sure she always did her work exactly as the boss would like and that she double checked her own work so the boss would find no errors. Eventually, she found that her boss stopped hovering and double checking her work. What Laura experienced was _________.


Angela is part of a cohort of employees who regularly attend seminars on improving leadership and decision-making skills. The members of the cohort mentor one another. The meetings do not apply to Angela's current job, but she hopes the skills she is learning will help her advance in the organization. Angela is experiencing _________.


Michael stayed late at work to complete a project. As a result, the boss praised his work ethic in front of the entire team. Afterward, each member of the team starting staying past quitting time to complete their projects. What the team members experienced was __________.


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What tests measure an individual's intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field?

Polygraph testing may be used by private employers whose primary purpose consists of what? Micah requires that all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test to assess their intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field.

Is an assessment of whether a test measures knowledge or understanding of the items it is supposed to measure?

test is an assessment of whether a test measures knowledge or understanding of the items it is supposed to measure. extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure. test is an assessment instrument designed to determine if you have the ability to apply a particular knowledge set.

Which of the following is a feature of a structured interview?

A structured interview is a type of interview in which the researcher asks a set of premeditated questions in order to gather information about the research subjects.