Which alternative magazine is published for readers who support the political Left

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This guide is a selected collection of current journals and magazines of news, commentary, and opinion. Here is a sample of what is sometimes called 'Long form journalism" -- longer, in-depth articles written by journalists but usually about or with experts like researchers or professors. They are written with less jargon then scholarly journal articles and are great sources to consult as you learn more about a topic. They feature stories about current or controversial topics. 

You can "browse" and read current issues or search. 

Check the bias

Which alternative magazine is published for readers who support the political Left

All sources have bias. Some are more biased than others, some claim to be un-biased and some sources work hard to keep their bias hidden. Have an awareness and educate yourself about the sources you are reading so you can be critical, evaluate the sources and learn from them.

  • Media Bias Ratings from Allsides.com

    Website which assigns bias ratings from Left, Lean Left, Center, Lean Right, Right, or Mixed.

  • Media Bias Chart

    Explore a chart with media and news ratings.


You can click the links below to view current issues. Look for links to "search." If you want to search a bunch of magazines on a topic try Masterfile Premier.

  • The American Prospect

    The American Prospect is a daily online and quarterly print American political and public policy magazine dedicated to American liberalism and progressivism.

  • The Atlantic

    The Atlantic Monthly is a literary and cultural commentary magazine.

  • The American Scientist

    The American Scientist is an American bimonthly science and technology magazine published since 1913 by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Each issue includes feature articles written by prominent scientists and engineers who review research in fields from molecular biology to computer engineering.

  • Billboard

    Billboard is an American music and entertainment magazine on news, video, opinion, reviews, style, and is also known for its music charts with the most popular songs and albums in different genres.

  • Congressional Digest

    Congressional Digest is published by Congressional Digest Corporation, is a scholarly independent monthly publication about topics before the US Congress.

  • The Economist

    The Economist is the weekly news and business publication written expressly for top business decision-makers and opinion leaders who need an international outlook in an increasingly global marketplace. Each weekly issue explores the links between domestic and international issues, business, finance, current affairs, science, technology, and the arts, and provides a refreshingly objective perspective on it all.

  • Esquire

    Esquire is an American men's magazine

  • Foreign Affairs

    Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been a forum for discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs. It is now a multiplatform media organization with a print magazine, a website, a mobile site, various apps and social media feeds, an event business, and more. Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a non-profit and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the free exchange of ideas. NOTE: Not all articles are freely available online. To access full-text, visit the library database Hein Online or go to the catalog page for more options.

  • Foreign Policy

    Foreign Policy is an American news publication, founded in 1970 and focused on global affairs, current events, and domestic and international policy.

  • Harper's Bazaar

    Harper's Bazaar is an American monthly women's fashion magazine.

  • Harper's Magazine

    Harper's Magazine is a monthly magazine of literature, politics, culture, finance, and the arts.

  • Interview

    American magazines that features interviews with celebrities, artists, musicians, and creative thinkers.

  • Mother Jones

    American magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative reporting on topics including politics, the environment, human rights, health and culture with liberal bent.

  • The Nation

    The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States, covering progressive political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis.

  • National Geographic

    It has been published monthly since its first issue in 1888 and primarily contains articles about science, geography, history, and world culture.

  • National Review

    National Review is an American semi-monthly conservative editorial magazine focusing on news and commentary pieces on political, social, and cultural affairs.

  • New Stateman

    The New Statesman is a British political and cultural magazine published in London.

  • New York Times Magazine

    The New York Times Magazine is a Sunday magazine supplement included with the Sunday edition of The New York Times. It is host to feature articles longer than those typically in the newspaper.

  • The New Yorker

    The New Yorker is an American weekly magazine featuring journalism, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry.

  • Popular Science

    Popular Mechanics is a magazine of popular science and technology, featuring automotive, home, outdoor, electronics, science, do-it-yourself, and technology topics.

  • Progressive

    The Progressive is an American magazine and website of politics, culture and progressivism with a left-leaning perspective.

  • Rolling Stone

    Rolling Stone is an American monthly magazine that focuses on popular culture, music, movies, entertainment, and politics

  • Smithsonian

    Smithsonian is the official journal published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

  • The Spectator

    The Spectator is a weekly British magazine on politics, culture, and current affairs.

  • Sports Illustrated

    Sports Illustrated is an American sports magazine.

  • Time magazine

    Time is an American weekly news magazine and news website published and based in New York City.

  • Vanity Fair

    Vanity Fair is a monthly magazine of popular culture, fashion, and current affairs published by Condé Nast in the United States.

  • Variety

    Variety is an American weekly magazine and website that features breaking entertainment news, reviews, box office results, cover stories,

  • Vogue Archive, 1892-current

    A complete searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images.

National, mainstream newspapers

Which alternative magazine is published for readers who support the political Left
Which alternative magazine is published for readers who support the political Left

  • New York Times (1980 to present) This link opens in a new window

    Full-text coverage of the New York Times to present day. Does not include photos, illustrations, ads, wire stories, or other page-image level access. (via ProQuest Newsstream)

  • Wall Street Journal (1980 to present)

    Full-text coverage of the Journal - a business newspaper with extensive coverage of stock markets, finance, investments, and companies - to present day. Does not include photos, illustrations, ads, wire stories, or other page-image level access. (via ProQuest Newsstream)

  • Wall Street Journal (WSJ.COM) This link opens in a new window

    Get WSJ.com subscription through the library. Sign up for a personal account at the link above. Access to the articles, photographs, charts, podcasts, videos and other premium content available on the WSJ.COM website back to the 2010. Mobile app access is included in the subscription.

  • Washington Post (1987 to present) This link opens in a new window

    Full-text articles from the recent issues of the Post, as well as some online content (blogs, videos) from more recent years. Does not include wire stories, ads, photos or other image-based content from the paper. (via ProQuest Newsstream)

  • Financial Times (FT.com)

    News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, a leading global business publication. Current students, faculty, and staff must register and create personal accounts using University of Minnesota e-mail addresses at the link above.

Local newspapers

  • Minneapolis Star Tribune (1986 to present) This link opens in a new window

    Full-text articles from the recent issues of the Star Tribune. Does not include wire stories, ads, photos, or other non-textual article content from the paper. (via ProQuest Newsstream). Note: There is a one-day embargo on content.

  • St. Paul Pioneer Press (2010 to 2019) This link opens in a new window

    Full digital replicas of recent content from the newspaper (including full-text articles, photos, illustrations, ads, etc.). Does not include the most recent 3 months of content. (via ProQuest Recent Newspapers)

  • The Minnesota Daily

    The student newspaper for the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is available online (2002-present). Older issues are available on microfilm in the Newspaper Room, Basement, Wilson Library. Articles from 1900-1977 can be identified using the digitized Minnesota Daily index on the UDC. There is also a full web archive of the MN Daily site, including video content, available from April 2019 to present.

Search many newspapers at once using a database

  • U.S. Newsstream This link opens in a new window

    Search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.

  • Access World News

    Full-text news from over 9,000 news sources in the U.S. and international newspapers, major wire services, and hundreds of local broadcasting outlets and blogs. There are over 100 Minnesota sources. Mostly English language news coverage with some 200 titles in Spanish, French, Afrikaans and other languages.

  • Ethnic NewsWatch

    Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press from 1990, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives.

  • International Newsstream This link opens in a new window

    International news from newspapers, newswires, transcripts, and digital-only news sites in full-text format. Over 800 of the world's top news sources.

  • Factiva

    Search millions of newspapers, business magazines, and newswires with international and foreign language coverage with all editions of the Wall Street Journal. Financial information for publicly traded companies, stocks, funds, currencies, and common market indexes. Limited to 7 simultaneous users.

Last Updated: Nov 3, 2022 11:36 AM

Which publication was the first US tabloid?

Yet Daily News founder Joseph Medill Patterson, an eccentric World War I vet whose family owned the Chicago Tribune, was dead-set on making his concept of the first tabloid-sized paper in the United States a success.

What is the most trusted newspaper in the world?

Top 10 Famous Newspapers in the World 2022.

What is alternative news?

In contrast to mainstream mass media, alternative media tend to be "non-commercial projects that advocate the interests of those excluded from the mainstream", for example, the poor, political and ethnic minorities, labor groups, and LGBT identities.

Who owns the Associated Press?

The AP is a non-profit cooperative owned by the newspapers, radio and Television stations who share its news stories. Most articles are written by staff members belonging to the Newspaper Guild Union, a part of the AFL-CIO. Many news organizations that are not members pay a fee to use the stories.