Which is the best example of a supervisor making feedback descriptive rather than evaluative?

Which is the best example of a supervisor making feedback descriptive rather than evaluative?

CB2300 Quiz 2 Answers

Chapter 14, 15, 18

1.Which is the best example of a supervisor making feedback

descriptive rather than evaluative?

You have been late to work three days this month.

2.The first rule of thumb for gaining integrative agreements in

negotiations is to ______________.

Separate the people from the problems

3.The conflict management style with the greatest potential for true

conflict resolution involves ______________.


4.In classical two-party negotiation, the difference between one

party’s minimum reservation point and the other party’s maximum

reservation point is known as the ______________.

Bargaining zone

5.In order to be consistently persuasive when communicating with

others in the workplace, a manager should build credibility by


Making sure good relationships have been established

6.Self-serving bias is a form of attribution error that involves


Blaming the environment for problems you caused

7. If a manager allows one characteristic of a person, say a pleasant

personality, to bias performance ratings of that individual overall,

the manager is committing a perceptual distortion known as


Halo effect

8.Use of special dress, manners, gestures, and vocabulary words

when meeting a prospective employer in a job interview are all

examples of how people use ______________ in daily life.

Impression management

9.A person with a/an ______________ personality would most likely act

unemotionally and manipulatively when trying to influence others to

achieve personal goals.


10.When a person believes that he or she little influence over

things that happen in life, this indicates a/an ______________


External locus of control