Which of the following assessment methods does not have at least moderately high validity?

Which of the following selection methods has moderate usage, unknown reliability and validity, and moderate adverse impact and mixed applicant reaction?
a. Biodata b. Weighted application blanks c. Initial interview d. Reference Checks e. Background Checks

Which of the following is the most accurate description of a selection pal? A selection plan _________
a. Determines the means of attracting qualified job applicants b. Matches applicants to outcome criteria c. Consists of predictors and interview rating criteria d. Describes predictor to be used to assess KSAOs required to perform the job

Describes predictors to be used to assess KSAOs required to perform the job

Fall to conduct a reference check opens an organization to the possibility of negligent hiring suit.
a. True b. False

A useful guideline for improving the effectiveness of initial interviews is to
a. ask questions assessing the most basic KSAOs b. make them long and rigorous c. ask each applicant different questions d. Delegate initial interview to staffing agency

Ask questions assessing the most basic KSAOs 

The issue of consistency of measurement with assessment methods is called ______.

Most initial assessment methods have _____ validity.
a. Moderate to low b. High to very high c. Moderately high to high d. Moderate

Which of the following is NOT true regarding bio data and reference reports?
a. bio data can be used for substantive selection decisions b. Reference reports are obtained through interviews and biodata are collected through surveys c. Biodata has low usage while reference checks is high d. Both biodata and reference checks have high reliability

Both biodata and reference checks have high reliability 

Which of the following is an example a "sign" rather than a "sample"?
a. A personality test b. A biodata questionnaire c. A reference check d. A typing test for a security job

Which of the following statements regarding resumes is true?
a. Even background checks cannot reduce the problem of resume fraud b. Most surveys suggest that around half of all resumes have substantial inaccuracies or distortions c. Video resumes are highly respected by most employers d. Extensive evidence suggest that resumes are highly accurate predictors of employee job performance

Most surveys suggest that around half of all resumes have substantial inaccuracies or distortions

Which of the following is true regarding research on the validity of personality tests?
a. Conscientiousness predicted performance across all occupation groups studies b. Openness to experience failed to predict training performance c. Extraversions predicted ob performance for most jobs. d. All of the above are true

Conscientiousness predicted performance across all occupation groups studies

The most widely used test of general mental ability for selection decisions is the _____.
a. MMPI b. Myers-Briggs c. Wonderlic Personnel Test d. Job Characteristics Inventory

Wunderlich personnel Test 

Which of the following statements is false?
a. There is little evidence that people fake their scores on personality test in the hiring contexts b. When individuals believe their scores are being used for selection, their observed scores tend to increase c. Faking has a negative impact on the validity of personality test d. None of the above statements are false

Faking has a negative impact on the validity of personality tests

The biggest reason why cognitive ability test are not more widely used is _______.
a. they are too expensive b. they are too time-consuming c. they are difficult to administer d. they have adverse impact on minorities

They have adverse impact on minorities 

Which of the following is true regarding integrity tests?
a. Their use has declined in the past decade b. They are used to reduce employee accidents c. They are usually paper-and-pencil or computerized measures d. The construct of integrity is well understood

They are usually paper-and-pencil or computerized measures

The type of structured interview that assesses an applicant's ability to project what his/her behavior would be in the future is the _____ interview.
a. Situational b. Experience-based c. Projective d. KSAO-based

Which of the following is(are) true based on research regarding interviews?
a. The validity of structured interview is law b. Situational interviews are less valid than job-related interviews c. Panel interviews were less valid than individual interviews d. All of the above are true

Panel interviews are less valid than individual interviews

The correlation between structured interviews and cognitive ability test is ______.
a. postitive b. Zero c. Moderately Negative d. Very negative

Cognitive ability test are excellent predictors for executive and professional jobs, but they are of no value for entry level, clerical, or blue color jobs.
a. True. b. False

Drug tests are not common for many jobs because
a. Drug test do not "catch" many people b. The law essentially bans drug tests for all jobs not involving operating a vehicle c. Drug tests are extremely expensive d. The test produce a massive number of false positive results

Drug tests do not "catch" many people

An important advantage of peer assessments is_____.
a. Lower probability of bias in the assessment b. Greater clarity in the criteria for assessment c. Enhanced employee morale through the fostering of a competitive spirit d. Greater knowledge of the applicants' KSAOs

Greater knowledge of the applicants' KSAOs

a job candidate responding to an "in-basket exercise" would most likely be asked to _____.
a. Make a simulated visit to a customer location b. Participate in an interview simulation c. Complete a written test to assess KSAOs d. Draft memos to respond to letter received

Draft memos to respond to letters received

The validity of assessment centers as a method of internal selection is approximately _____.
a. .00 b .05-.15 c. .25-.35 d. .50-.60

While information from internal selection can be better because multiple points of view can be combined, there are concerns that _______.
a. Bribery for promotion is widespread b. Impression management and politics can play a role in who gets promoted c. Internal candidates with poor technical skills are likely to be promoted d. Instincts and intuition are not given enough weight

Impression management and politics can play a role in who get promoted

Research on the use of seniority and experience as internal selection methods indicated that ______.
a. Seniority is a more valid method of internal selection than experience b. Seniority is better suited to predict short-term rather than long-term potential c. Experience is less likely to be content valid if the past or present jobs are similar to the future jobs d. Experience is unlikely to remedy initial performance of low ability employees

Experience is unlikely to remedy initial performance difficulties of low ability employees 

Assessment centers tend to generate negative reactions from participants, primarily due to their length of two to three days.
a. True b. False

Job knowledge test hold great promise as a predictor of job performance.
a. True b. False

________ is the most commonly used information for internal selection.
a. Assessment centers b. Job knowledge tests c. Performance appraisals d. Peer rating and nominations d. Personality test

Which of the following is true regarding internal selection?
a. It is illegal for organizations to use performance appraisals as a basis for internal selection decisions b. Performance appraisals have no validity c. Performance appraisals have no reliability d. Performance appraisals are readily available in organizations

Performance appraisals are readily available in organizations 

Where assessment centers are concerned, research has shown that the inclusions of peer evaluations are the use of psychologists as job candidates assessors rather than managers lowers validity
a. True b. False

To ensure that multiple regression will be more precise than unit weighting , there must be a small number of predictors, low correlations between predictors, and a large sample
a. True b. False

Research suggest that managers prefer the rigor of utility analysis to simple validity coefficients?
a. True b. False

Under which circumstance is "hiring success gain" likely to be lowest?
a. Low selection ratio, low base rate, high validity b. Low selection ratio, high base rate, high validity c. High selection ratio, low base rate, high validity d. High selection ratio, low base rate, low validity

Low selection ratio, low base rate, high validity 

If a cutoff score is raised the effect of this on hiring results is likely to be _______.
a. fewer false negative only b. fewer false negatives and more true positives c. More false negatives and fewer false positives d. More false negatives and more false positives

Fewer false negatives and more true positives

Which of the following final decision procedures reduces adverse impact on cognitive ability tests?
a. minimum competency b. multiple hurdles c. banding d. multiple regression

Which of the following statements about cutoff scores is a useful guideline for setting cutoff scores?
Cutoff scores should be consistent with normal expectations of acceptable proficiency within the workforce. b. The job relatedness of assessment procedures should not be correlated with validity. c. A single “best” method of setting cutoff scores should be identified. d. Cutoff scores should be set to maximize true positives.

Cutoff scores should be consistent with normal expectations of acceptable proficiency within the workforce  

When the cost of making false positives errors is extremely high it is advisable to use ________.
a. Compensatory models b. Criterion=related c. Minimum competency d. banding

The strategy resulting in hiring the most qualified applicants is
a. Hiring candidates from a top-down ranking b. Banding c. Minimum competency d. Multiple-Hurdles

Hiring candidates from a top-down ranking

If a letter of acceptance says an employee needs to work on the weekends, but the employer makes an oral promise that the employee will not have to work on the weekends, the oral statement could be legally binding
a. Ture b. False

Flat pay rate job offers are least appropriate for
a. situations where applicants have very dissimilar KSAOs b. Job with a plentiful supply applicants c. Situations where management desires to avoid inequalities in starting pay amount new employees. d. Jobs where applicants have KSAOs of similar quality

Situations where applicants have very dissimilar KSAOs 

Which of the following is likely to be a contingency related to a job offers?
a. Satisfactory reference checks b. Job salary c. Job benefits d. Job vacations privileges

Satisfactory reference checks

When an employees makes a job offer to a highly desirable, currently employed applicants, what type of offer would maximize the chances of an acceptance.
a. Competitive, mechanical b. Best shot, mechanical c. Best shot, sales d. Competitive, sales

What is the main relationship between orientations and socialization activities?

a. Orientation covers job content, socialization covers social content. b. Orientation is usually a small group activity, socialization is one on one. c. Orientation is typically an immediate activity for new hires, which overlaps with more long-term socialization. * d. Orientation is formal, socialization is informal.

Orientation is typically an immediate activity for new hires, which overlaps with more long-term socialization 

In using information about competitors to structure job offers, which of the following statements is not useful as a general guideline?

a. It makes a difference who the competitors are. b. Competitive offers should always be matched to ensure acceptance. c. Analysis of competitive advertisements should be performed in order to have the "market information" needed to prepare effective job offers. d. Trade associations should be consulted for competitive information whenever possible.

Competitive offers should always be matched to ensure acceptance

In order to improve the chances of winning a law suit based on “promissory estoppel,” the most important point the plaintiff must demonstrate is that _____.
a. the promise was accurate b. the promise was made in good faith c. the defendant reneged on the promise d. the promise was withdrawn, resulting in a detrimental effect. * Term

The promise was withdrawn, resulting in a detrimental effect 

The most sensible approach for addressing the issue of applicant truthfulness would be to _________.
a. receive applicant information in good faith since the majority of applicants will be honest and it is not fair to inconvenience everyone with more verification because of a few “bad apples.” b. treat applicants with trust and they will respond with honesty in most cases. c. have applicants provide independent, third-party documentation of all job information provided on application blanks. d. verify the applicant information provided that is deemed most vital.

Verify the applicant information provided that is deemed most vital

Written job offers normally contain terms of acceptance that require written acceptance without revision by the candidate.
a. True b. false