Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

Question: Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix

  • A. Immediate feedback through a purchase
  • B. Less costly per contact
  • C. Less flexible
  • D. No face-to-face contact

Answer A. Immediate feedback through a purchase

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18 Questions  |  By SchlenkerJ | Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 | Total Attempts: 1866

Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?
Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


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Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

What do you know about marketing? Take this marketing quiz now. Marketing can be defined as the activity of presenting and advertising a company’s products in a way that gets attention. Get ready and test your knowledge and understanding of how marketing works and its variations with these interesting questions. We wish you all the best, and we hope you score the highest marks and learn something from this quiz! Go for it!

  • 1. 

    Which of the following statements best defines the term promotional mix?

    • A. 

      The way in which businesses combine promotional methods

    • B. 

      The "magic formula" used in developing promotional plans

    • C. 

      The confusion of too many professional techniques

    • D. 

      The rotation technique used for promoting employees

  • 2. 

    Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, images, goods, or services is known as?

    • A. 

      Sales promotion

    • B. 

      Personal selling

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 3. 

    VISA promotes its services on other companies' websites. These promotions are examples of:

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Sales promotions

    • C. 


    • D. 

      Personal selling

  • 4. 

    Which of the following is an example of personal selling?

    • A. 

      A salesperson places an ad in a local newspaper.

    • B. 

      A business manager holds a press conference to explain a new product.

    • C. 

      A financial planner discusses retirement plans with a group of employees.

    • D. 

      An employee hands out coupons to customers who are attending a trade show.

  • 5. 

    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix:

    • A. 

      Immediate feedback

    • B. 

      Less costly per contact

    • C. 

      Less flexible

    • D. 

      No face-to-face contact

  • 6. 

    On a per contact basis, which of the following elements of the promotional mix is most expensive:

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Sales promotion

    • D. 

      Personal selling

  • 7. 

    Personal Selling would be a cost-effective form of promotion for which of the following products?

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Garden rake

    • C. 

      Laptop computer

    • D. 

      Soft drink

  • 8. 

    Johnson Quittles developed a new digital music player that made them innovators in the music industry. Considering the life cycle stage of the product, the company should design a promotional mix that will?

    • A. 

      Phase out the product

    • B. 

      Compare competing products

    • C. 

      Inform customers about the new product

    • D. 

      Be competitive with companies making similar products

  • 9. 

    In which stage of a product's life cycle would the least money be invested in product promotion?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 10. 

    What form of promotion is generally emphasized for complex, technical products sold to industrial users?

    • A. 

      Sales Promotion

    • B. 


    • C. 

      Personal Selling

    • D. 


  • 11. 

    When planning the promotional mix, a business should consider which of the following target market factors?

    • A. 

      The company history

    • B. 

      The type of product

    • C. 

      The stage of the products life cycle

    • D. 

      The type and number of customers and their locations

  • 12. 

    If a manufacturer has chosen to advertise on national radio and in magazines, which of the following factors has influenced the promotional mix:

    • A. 

      Need for face-to-face promotion

    • B. 

      The geographical location of the market

    • C. 

      Limited promotional funds

    • D. 

      Technical aspects of the product

  • 13. 

    When the promotional mix for a product is affected by the path the product takes from the producer to the ultimate consumer, the mix is being influenced by the product's

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Life cycle

    • C. 


    • D. 

      Distribution channel

  • 14. 

    The Sandlot Company promotes its products to intermediaries who then promote the products to customers. The Sandlot Company is using a _______ promotional strategy.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 15. 

    Cool Cola recently developed a new flavor of the soda. The company has generated customer interest in the new product via television commercials and coupons. As a result, wholesalers and retailers are buying the new soda from Cool Cola to meet customer demand. This is an example of a ___________ promotional strategy.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 16. 

    Should businesses rely solely on their previous promotional mixes?

    • A. 

      No, promotional budgets decrease each year.

    • B. 

      No, there may be other, more successful mixes to try.

    • C. 

      Yes, there is usually one promotional mix that is best.

    • D. 

      Yes, what has worked in the past will work in the future.

  • 17. 

    Competing businesses within the same industry usually react to each other's promotional mixes by

    • A. 

      Trying not to outdo each other

    • B. 

      Reducing their promotional budgets

    • C. 

      Playing follow the leader

    • D. 

      Changing distribution channels

  • 18. 

    Which of the following is an  overall goal of the promotional mix?

    • A. 

      To decrease operating expenses

    • B. 

      To convey a message inexpensively

    • C. 

      To persuade consumers to buy

    • D. 

      To have the right goods available

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    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


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    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

    The organization's micro-environment.

    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

    The organization's macro-environment.

    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

    Any internal or external force affects the organization's ability to create, communicate, deliver, and exchange value offerings.

    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

    All of the options listed are part of an organization's marketing environment.

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    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?


    Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?

    Both (3) and (4)

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Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix?
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Which of the following are advantages of personal selling compared to advertising?

Which of the following are advantages of personal selling compared to advertising? The sales message can be customized for each prospect, including answering questions and handling objections. Personal selling can be the most effective method for actually obtaining a sale.

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Two-Way Communication: ADVERTISEMENTS: ... .
Personal Attention: Advertising and publicity are among mass communication tools. ... .
Detail Demonstration: ... .
Complementary to other Promotional Tools: ... .
Immediate Feedback: ... .
Individual Services: ... .
Flexibility: ... .
Customer Confidence:.

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