Which of the following managerial skills describes the ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and to distinguish between cause and effect?

full file at 80.The ability of a worker in the accounting department to prepare the organization'sbalance sheet is an example of:A)a conceptual skill.B)a first-line skill.C)a human skill.D)a technical skill.E)none of the above.Answer: DPage:15LO:4Difficulty: Easy

AACSB:14BT:Application81.The specific set of department skills, knowledge and experience that allows oneorganization to outperform its competition is called:BPage:15LO:4Difficulty:ModerateAACSB:14BT:Knowledge

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82.One of the biggest problems facing people who start small businesses is the lack of________ skill(s).Page:16LO:4Difficulty: ModerateAACSB:14BT:Comprehension

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83.In recent years, the development of _________ has increased managers’ ability toplan, organize, lead and control.Page:17LO:4Difficulty: ModerateAACSB:14BT:Comprehension

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What type of managerial skill refers to the ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations?

Conceptual Skills: The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.

What are the 3 managerial skills?

Types of managerial skills.
Technical skills..
Conceptual skills..
Human or interpersonal management skills..

What are the 5 basic managerial skills?

What are Management Skills? ... .
Management Skills #1: Relationship Management. ... .
Management Skills #2: Planning. ... .
Management Skills #3: Prioritisation. ... .
Management Skills #4: Critical Thinking. ... .
Management Skills #5: Industry Knowledge..

Which type of management skills defines the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for abstract thinking and formulating ideas?

Conceptual Skills These involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for abstract thinking and formulating ideas. The manager is able to see an entire concept, analyze and diagnose a problem, and find creative solutions.