Which of the following statements about the three types of technology configurations is true?





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Terms in this set (68)

Strategies that help a firm respond quickly to challenges are based on the firm's core competencies, strategic alliances, and ability to ______.


Frasier Industries has knowledge, expertise, and skill in producing surgical needles that allow the company to be a leader in the surgical needle market. This ability to lead in the industry is called a ______.

core capability

Successfully developing leadership in core capabilities can increase a company's ______ and competitiveness


True or false: Companies should commit to excellence and leadership in capabilities before they commit to winning market share for specific products.


Select all that apply
What should managers focus on in order to strengthen their firm's core capabilities? (Choose every correct answer.)

Invest in core capabilities to remain better than competitors
Acquire or build competencies for the future
Extend capabilities for future applications

Organizing around core competencies, learning organizations, and strategic alliances is a strategy that enables an organization to be more ______.


When managers accumulate the right resources, combine them in ways that give the organization capabilities, and leverage or exploit their resources, they are managing ______.

core capabilities

A company's knowledge, expertise, and skills that underlie its ability to be a leader in providing a range of specific goods and services is its ______.

core capability

Select all that apply
Companies create formal relationships called strategic alliances with which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Governmental bodies
Their competitors

A strategy for enabling a firm to be responsive and competitive is to develop leadership in its ______.

core capabilities

If one of the partners has expertise in technology or specific market segments, an alliance may eliminate the need to hire ______.


Before a company can win market share, it must commit to excellence and leadership in its ______.

core capabilities

Learning organizations are good at ______.

gaining insight from prior experiences

Managers who want to strengthen their firm's ______ can do so by focusing on issues surrounding the firm's core capabilities.


A firm wishing to be a true ______ organization should have people who engage in disciplined thinking.


Which of the following is NOT a way that managers should manage core capabilities to maintain a competitive advantage?

Set goals for profit maximization

Olivia, the CEO of an international Internet security company, seeks input from her top management team and from lower levels of the company about the direction the company should take. By doing this, Olivia is building a ______.

high-involvement organization

A ______ is a formal relationship created to facilitate the joint pursuit of mutual goals.

strategic alliance

A high-involvement organization exhibits all the following characteristics except ______.

a tall organizational structure

True or false: Strategic alliances allow participants to respond to customer demands or environmental threats faster and less expensively than on their own.


Sookie has worked diligently to re-orient the managers of her company toward involving employees in improving all aspects of the business. Sookie's company is practicing ______.

total quality management

An organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying behavior to reflect new knowledge, is a ______ organization.


Deming's 14 points of quality emphasized a ______ approach to management.


Select all that apply
A firm wishing to be a true learning organization should do which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Review successes and failures for deeper understanding.
Search constantly for new knowledge and ways to apply it.
Encourage employees to engage in disciplined thinking.

True or false: In a high-involvement organization, top management makes all company decisions.


Standardizing processes in order to reduce the causes of customer dissatisfaction to the lowest practicable levels is one component of ______.

six sigma quality

A decentralized organizational structure in which low-level employees have a direct relationship with customers and are held accountable for a good or service delivery is a(n) ______-______ organization.

Blank 1: high
Blank 2: involvement, envolvement, or involement

Managers must usually restructure their internal processes and relationships with customers in fundamental ways to achieve ______ quality.

six sigma

______ management is a way of managing in which all members of the organization are committed to continuous improvement of a product or service.

Total quality

The approach that combines six sigma quality improvement techniques with initiatives that eliminate waste in time, complex processes, and materials is called ______.

lean six sigma

W. Edwards Deming was a founder of the ______ management movement.


In contrast to most ISO standards, which describe a particular material, product, or process, the ISO 9001 standards apply in a general way to management systems at ______.

any organization

Six sigma product defects include all the following except ______.

deficient corporate culture

Which principle of ISO 9001 focuses on establishing a vision, goals, and trust while providing employees with both the resources and inspiration to meet their goals?


With six sigma, the product or process is defect-free ______ of the time.


In general terms, the processes that lead to the creation of new products is referred to as ______.


In order to increase efficiency and reduce spending, city planners in Irving, Texas employed ______ analysis to reduce the time it takes to enact street repairs by more that 50%.

lean six sigma

Select all that apply
The basic technologies for processing include which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Small batch
Continuous process
Large batch

ISO 9001 is a series of ______ standards developed by a committee working under the International Organization for Standardization.

voluntary quality

Organizations with an organic structure and relatively few rules and formal procedures are generally ______ companies.

small batch

A centralized company with a mechanistic structure and many rules and formal procedures typically uses ______ technologies.

large batch

Select all that apply
Which are principles addressed by the ISO 9001 standards of management? (Choose every correct answer.)

Customer focus
Continual improvement
System approach to management

CLM Technologies Inc. manufactures two products, and the production process is fully automated so that no human workers are on the factory floor. The factory runs 24 hours a day. This is an example of ______.

continuous process technology

The methods, processes, systems, and skills used to transform resources (inputs) into products (outputs) are known as ______.


Mass customization is the production of varied, individually customized products at the ______.

low cost of standardized, mass-produced products

Which of the following statements about the three types of technology configurations is true?

They are equally useful for describing service or manufacturing technologies.

True or false: To engage in mass customization successfully, all necessary tasks and processes (modules) must be completed by units within the organization.


Companies that provide goods and services in very low volume, such as restaurants or doctors' offices, are called ______.

job shops

The use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing to sequence and optimize a number of production processes is called ______.

computer integrated manufacturing

McDonald's and Burger King have production processes that tend to be very standardized, with all customers receiving similar if not identical products. They are examples of companies that use ______.

large batch technology

Select all that apply
Which are ways that flexible factories differ from traditional factories? (Choose every correct answer.)

Flexible factories are organized around products in work cells or teams.
Flexible factories use local or decentralized scheduling.

Select all that apply
Which of the following are characteristics of organizations that use continuous process technologies? (Choose every correct answer.)

They rely on machines and computers to do production work.
They have a relatively organic structure.

An operation that strives to achieve the highest possible productivity and total quality by eliminating unnecessary steps in the production process and continually strives for improvement is employing the ______ approach.

lean manufacturing

Select all that apply
Which of the following are types of products that are produced through mass customization? (Choose every correct answer.)


Companies are able to mass customize products by organizing around independent operating units that perform specific processes or tasks called ______.


Select all that apply
In addition to emphasizing quality, speed, and flexibility, which of the following accurately describes lean manufacturing? (Choose every correct answer.)

It strives for total quality.
It strives to achieve the highest possible productivity.
It focuses on cutting costs where appropriate.

Select all that apply
The benefits of CIM include which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Greater control and predictability of production processes.
Production of high-variety products in high volume.
Reduced waste.

The use of ______ is an important characteristic that differentiates traditional factories from flexible factories.

longer production runs

Select all that apply
In organizations that use lean manufacturing, the emphasis on quality, speed, and flexibility is greater than the emphasis on which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)


The ______ approach to manufacturing relies on having broadly trained employees, general-purpose equipment, and long-term, cooperative supplier relationships.


Lauren's Linens is able to produce a wide variety of linens, allowing customers to select special features for their particular orders while still maintaining the low cost of a standardized, mass-produced product. Lauren's Linens is taking advantage of ______.

mass customization

The system that calls for subassemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process right when they are needed is called ______.

just-in-time (JIT) operations

An operation that achieves increased efficiency while simultaneously improving effectiveness is utilizing ______.

lean manufacturing

______ is a team-based approach that incorporates perspectives of all functions, resulting in a higher-quality product.

Simultaneous engineering

Select all that apply
For the lean approach to be effective for an organization, what are key conditions that need to be met? (Choose every correct answer.)

Supplier relationships need to be long-term and cooperative.
Equipment needs to be general-purpose.
Communication among line workers needs to be informal and horizontal.

In JIT operations, what happens when a customer places an order?

It triggers a factory order and the production process.

Lean manufacturing strives for high quality, speed, and ______.


______ engineering is used to accelerate the pace of research and product development within the organization.


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