Which of the following statements best describes naturalization laws in the US prior to 1870?

  • Q47:

    How does the U.S. Constitution create a system that underrepresents urban areas? A) It provides representation based on population in the U.S. House of Representatives. B) It provides each state with two U.S. senators regardless of population. C) It provides for a system of direct democracy at the federal level. D) It requires federal officials to spend the same amount of money in rural and urban areas of the country. E) It requires that federal officials impose higher taxes on people living in urban areas of the country.

  • Q48:

    Which of the following statements about the changes in American society between 1900 and 2010 is NOT true? A) There has been a decline in the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as Protestants. B) The average age of Americans has fallen. C) There has been an increase in the percentage of Americans who live in urban areas. D) The percentage of Caucasians has decreased. E) There has been an increase in the percentage of Americans who identify as multiracial.

  • Q49:

    Which of the following statements about the United States census is most accurate? A) The census has always counted every person living within the boundaries of the United States regardless of race or ethnicity. B) The census has always categorized people in one of five racial groups: Native Americans, Latino Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, and Asian Americans. C) The census has never categorized people by race or ethnicity. D) Who census officials count and how they are categorized by race and ethnicity have changed significantly throughout American history. E) The current census does not allow a person to identify himself or herself as a member of more than one racial group.

  • Q50:

    Political culture refers to the A) way artists, musicians, filmmakers, and cultural critics use their messages to influence political decision making. B) factors that influence the way informal social organizations make decisions. C) shared values, beliefs, and attitudes that serve to hold a nation and its people together. D) system of organizing politically, which is defined historically in the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. E) formal rules that govern the interaction between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

  • Q51:

    Which of the following is an instrument of direct democracy? A) the electoral college B) litigation C) initiatives D) the U.S. House of Representatives E) the U.S. Senate

  • Q53:

    Why are Americans sometimes fearful of pluralist politics? A) They are fearful that organized groups will not compete for political influence. B) They are fearful that organized groups will successfully advance public interests at the expense of special interests. C) They are fearful that organized groups will successfully advance special interests at the expense of the greater public good. D) They are fearful that organized groups represent a challenge to liberty. E) They are fearful that organized groups will reduce the need for public goods.

  • Q54:

    According to the authors of the text, what is the goal of politics? A) to get as much power as possible in order to serve one's own interests B) to construct a perfect constitutional order C) to construct a political system that is conducive to economic growth D) to have a say in a government's leadership, organization, and policies E) to construct a political system that provides as many people as possible with the chance to participate

  • Q55:

    Which of the following is an example of direct action politics in the United States? A) Occupy Wall Street B) the Tea Party C) both a and b D) the Democratic takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives following the 2006 midterm elections E) the Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives following the 2010 midterm elections

  • Q56:

    Which of the following is NOT an example of a public good? A) the military B) the local police force C) a job D) fire protection E) clean water

  • Q57:

    Which of the following statements is true? A) Native Americans have always been recognized as citizens of the United States. B) Native Americans became U.S. citizens in 1868. C) Native Americans became U.S. citizens in 1924. D) Native Americans became U.S. citizens in 1965. E) Native Americans have never become U.S. citizens in American constitutional law.

What did the Naturalization Act do quizlet?

What did the Naturalization Act do? It lengthened the time required for foreigners to gain citizenship from 5 to 14 years.

What did the Naturalization Act of 1790 do quizlet?

-The Naturalization Act of 1790 established naturalization as the right afforded to "free white persons". -The act was the the first act that racialized who got to be an American based on skin color. -The significance of the act is that it was the first law that established who could obtain citizenship rights.

Which of the following best summarizes the history of citizenship and Race in the United States quizlet?

Which of the following best summarizes the history of citizenship and race in the United States? There has been a gradual expansion of citizenship to people of non-White descent, starting after the Civil War.

What is a naturalized citizen quizlet?

Definition of naturalized citizen. a person who undergoes the naturalization process to become a citizen.