Involves simplifying shrinking, or downsizing an organizations operation to lower operating costs.

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Terms in this set (68)

a first line manager is often called a


often _________ involves simplifying, shrinking, or downsizing an organization's operations to lower operating costs


what are essential characteristics of global organization ?

compete in more than one country
operate in more than one country

restructuring in organizations often leads to _____ in jobs of managers and non-managerial employees


the specific set of departmental skills, knowledge, and experiences that allows one organization to outperform its competitors is known as a core


where do companies tend to outsource tasks they previously performed in-house ?

low cost countries

managers who have excellent ______ skills have job specific knowledge and know the techniques to perform their jobs


the four building blocks of competitive advantage are superior efficiency, innovation, responsiveness to customers, and


increases in organization performance are directly related to increases in organizational

effectiveness and efficiency

a measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goal is


what types of organizations operate and compete in more than one country ?


henry mintzberg identified ten kinds of specific roles, which he grouped into three categories : decisional, interpersonal, and


a company that can outperform other organizations due to its ability to provide its goods and services more efficiently and effectively is said to have a

competitive advantage

managers who values their diverse employees

tend to have better performance

simone, kevin, and manny are bank tellers at rock safe bank. annalea is the manager of the branch in which they work. as a manager within the organization, what other key managerial tasks is annalea responsbile for ?


to help managers perform their planning tasks, they develop _____ to help guide their organization to high performance


which level of management has cross departmental responsibility ?


experience and education has been found to help managers develop three types of skills, including

conceptual, human, technical

self managed teams are made up of groups of employees who assume collective responsibility for ______ their own work activities

organizing, controlling and supervising

with self managed teams, managers can utilize IT to

to monitor team activities
to allocate resources efficiently

what is the purpose of a middle level manager in a self managed team ?

to monitor the team's progress and provide better resource allocation decisions

the middle manager is responsible for organizing all


who supervises first line managers ?

middle managers

when management organizes employees who perform the same kinds of job specific tasks, this places people in


why should individuals study management ?

to more effectively use resources
most individuals encounter managers

if a manager chooses the wrong goals to pursue and makes poor use of resources, the result (in terms of efficiency and effectiveness) is

low efficiency and low effectiveness

the measurement of how efficiently and effectively a manager uses resources to satisfy customers and achieve organizational goals is knows as organizational


when managers monitor the performance of individuals, departments, and the organization as a whole to determine if they are meeting desired performance standards, they are engaging in the essential task of


not only is management responsible for ensuring that the organizational goals are met. they are also responsible for making sure that the operations are running effectively and


top managers require the best _____ skills because their primary responsibilities are planning and organizing


describe advantages of a self managed team. it can

assume more tasks than a non self managed team
assume more responsibilities than a non self managed team
complete a task more quickly than a non self managed team

a _______ assumes collective responsibility for organizing, controlling and supervising their own work activities

self managed team

what is a compelling reason to study management ?

you will learn from others and equip yourself to help a future employer succeed

what are the two main categories of global crises or disasters facing managers ?

human/natural causes

according to mintzberg's managerial roles, figurehead, leader, and liaison make up the category of ______ roles


according to mintzberg's typology of managerial roles, entrepreneur, negotiator, resource allocator, and disturbance handler make up the category of ______ roles


what are ways in which IT helps improve performance in self managed work teams ?

increases the availability of information
provides real time performance information
allows organizations to utilize their workforce better

the essential or universal tasks of management include


what is a measure of an organization goal and the degree to which an organization achieves the goal ?


what is the best explanation of empowerment ?

when a manager gives her/his employees the authority to take responsibility for their own work

which of the following are examples of human created crises ?

industrial pollution , deforestation , terrorism , poor attention to workplace safety

identifying new opportunities and determining the best direction for the company's future requires managers to use ______ skills. when managers motivate employees to work hard to achieve goals, they are demonstrating _____ skills

conceptual ; human

what type of management refers to the creation of a new vision for a struggling company based on a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company's resources to allow it to survive and prosper ?


crises caused by tsunamis, earthquakes, or hurricanes are results of _____ causes


it is the manager's responsibility to take _____ action to improve an organization's performance if it is not accomplishing its desired outcomes


what are positive outcomes of using self managed teams

accomplishing tasks more quickly and efficiently
better utilization of the workforce

the process of creating new or improved goods or services or finding better ways to produce or provide them is knows as


even if you are not yet a manager, studying management can help you

resolve conflicts with coworkers
lead coworkers

when there are three levels of management in which each level reports to the next highest level


what are considered to be resources that employees offer and organizations look for ?

skills and know how

assets such as people, machinery, raw materials, and computers are examples of organizational


IT is being used to empower self managed teams by expanding employees' job knowledge and

increasing employees' job responsibilities

IT benefits

increased innovation
increases global coordination
improved the pace of innovation

one of three steps involved in planning

deciding on the goals to be achieved

organizational structures are structure to help determine

how to use resources to create goods/services

what are pressures exerted by shareholders on top management ?

improve profits
raise dividends
boost stock prices

top managers are responsible for the ultimate responsibilities within an organization, which include

cross departmental responsibility, establishment of organizational goals, and how departments should interact

what represents challenges facing managers in today's business world ?

building a competitive advantage
maintaining ethical standards
managing a diverse workforce
utilizing new information systems and technologies
practicing global crises management

managers who provide an inspirational vision that energizes employees are _____, and when they identify and select proper goals and actions, managers are _____

leading ; planning

major challenges for managers to ensure that they treat their employees fairly and equitably includes recognizing

ethical needs and legal requirements

a group composed of the CEO, COO, and the VP

top management team

the responsibilities and tasks of managers have changed substantially in recent years due to

global competition and IT

what is an outcome of leadership ?

an organizational structure that helps management achieve its organizational goals
a highly motivated and committed workforce

which management level devotes most of their time to planning and organizing the tasks crucial to determining an organization's long term performance ?


many different countries try to protect their own economic and political interests, which tends to increase

geopolitical tensions

innovation is generally provided

by small groups or teams

primary purpose of a manager

to supervise and achieve organizational goals

when a competitor has introduced a new product or a technology that has made an organization's product unattractive or obsolete, the company may experience a crisis that leads them to utilize _____ as a new approach to reduce costs, reduce the number of products sold, or _____

turnaround management ; change how products are made and distributed

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