Is a promotion where consumers compete for prizes and or money on the basis of skills or ability?

Direct inducement that provides an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales, distributors, or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an immediate sale

Consumer oriented sales promotion

Includes sampling , couponing, premiums, contests and sweepstakes , refunds and rebates, bonus packs, price-offs, frequency programs, and event marketing

Trade oriented sales promotion

Includes dealer contests and incentives, trade allowances, point of purchase displays, sales training programs, trade shows, cooperative advertising , and other programs designed to motivate distributors and retailers to carry a product and make an extra effort to push I️t to their customers

Account specific marketing

A manufacturer collaborated with an individual retailer to create a customized promotion that accomplished mutual objectives

Consumer franchise building promotions

Sales promotion activities that communicate distinctive brand attributes and contribute to the development and reinforcement of brand identity

Non franchise building promotions

Designed to accelerate the purchase decision process and generate an immediate increase in sales. These activities do not communicate information about a brand’s unique features or the benefits of using it, so they do not contribute to the building of brand identity and image.

Examples: price off deals, bonus packs, and rebates or refunds

Involves a variety of procedures whereby consumers are given some quantity of a product for no charge to induce trial

In pack coupon that is redeemable for the next purchase of the same brand

Redeemable on the purchase of different product, usually one made by the same company but occasionally through a tie-in with another manufacturer

Which is attached to the outside of the package so that the consumer can rip it off and redeem immediately

All co-op couponing programs distributed in a retail store environment

Offer of an item of merchandise or service either free or at a low price that is an extra incentive

Self liquidating premiums

Require the consumer to pay some or all of the cost of the premium plus handling and mailing costs

Consumers compete for prizes or money on the basis of skills or ability.

A promotion where winners are determined purely by chance; it cannot require a proof of purchase as a condition for entry

Offers by manufacturer to return a portion of the product purchase price, usually after the consumer supplies some proof of purchase

Extra amount of a product at the regular price by providing larger containers or extra units

Reduces the price brand, usually offered right on the pack in specially marked price packs

A type of promotion where a company or brand is linked to an event or where a themed activity is developed for the purpose of creating experiences for consumer and promoting a product or service

Integrated marketing communication activity where a company develops actual sponsorship relations with a particular event and provides financial support in return for the right to display a brand name, logo, or advertising message and be identified as a supporter of the event

Money from the manufacturer given to retailers as incentive to sell their product

Discount or deal offered to retailers or wholesalers to encourage them to stock, promote, or display the manufacturer’s products

Deal or discount offered to resellers in the form of a price reduction on a merchandise ordered during a fixed period

A certain per case amount or percentage is deducted from the invoice

Manufacturers often give retailers allowances or discounts for performing certain promotional or merchandising activities in support of their brands

Fee retailers charge for providing a slot or position to accommodate the new product

If a new product does not hit a minimum sales level within a certain time, the fee is charged to cover the cost associated with stocking, maintaining inventories, and then pulling the product

Configurations of a products that occupy a shelf section in a store

A forum where manufacturers can display their products to current as well as prospective buyers

Where the cost of advertising is shared by more than one party

Horizontal cooperative advertising

Advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations providing products or services to the market

Ingredient- sponsored cooperative advertising

Supported by raw materials manufacturers; its objective is to help establish end products that include the company’s materials and or ingredients

Vertical cooperative advertising

In which a manufacturer pays for a portion of the advertising a retailer runs to promote the manufacture product and its availability in the retailers place of business

Competition uses same promotions extensively and they get in a rat race

What type of promotion are contest and games?

Contests and sweepstakes are also popular consumer sales promotions. Contests are games of skill offered by a company, that offer consumers the chance to win a prize.

What sales promotions give to customers?

Pros of sales promotions Creating new leads: Sales promotions increase customer acquisition by offering them discounts, free products, free trials, and more. Many potential buyers are willing to try something for a lesser price, and if they like the product they become part of your company's loyal base.

What is the sales promotion spiral?

a spiral that results when a number of competitors extensively use promotions. One firm uses sales promotions to differentiate its product or service and other competitors copy the strategy, resulting in no differential advantage and a loss of profit margins to all.

Which term means combining shopping skills with coupons to save as much money as possible?

In-person handouts. To identify the activity of merging shopping skills with coupon use in an effort to save as much money as possible while shopping, the term was coined. extreme couponing.